Who dictates the education system in our country and why do we have to disclose personal information
( here ) to heads of schools ? Why do I have to pay to private companies ? Is not education a responsibility of the government too? Is someone else cashing-in on the innocents ?
I had the same questions when I went to pay my 10 year old daughters' school fees yesterday at her school in Old Klang Road.
Why do the Education Ministry people make Takaful Insurance (a private insurance company ) payment of RM1.50 per pupil
mandatory ? Is not Takaful Malaysia a private entity ? And was this entity not the same body who decreed muslims from wishing/greeting other races during the various religious festivities ? Are they not ashamed to now go and collect millions of ringgits from school children of "other" races ? And why do we have to pay to Takaful in the first place when I have provided for my daughter with more than enough insurance coverage? Many a parent are too tired to question the PTA as they are afraid of adverse victimisation of their kids by teachers and heads of schools ( trust me... everything happens in Malaysia.. lets not pretend it does'nt...okay ??) !! That's why for my daughter's sake, I cannot mention here, the school or the head-master I spoke to !
Who in Takaful dictates the Education Ministry these terms and policies as mandatory ? As the head-master of my daughters school lamented to me "If you don't pay ah... I must pay from my own pocket...... you knowww... ahh? diswan is directive from the ministry lah...surely I kena... I must comply or else.... !"
Looks like someone in Takaful has a damn good grip of the Education Ministry...or someone in the Education Ministry has his hands well greased and pockets,well, lined !...nepotism.... cryonism........ ?? You tell me !
Wake-up Malaysia ... where is the clean and efficient government we have been bitching about ?? Grow-up Malaysia, 50 years on... and we are still reeking with corruption ?? Don't demand the rest of the world to shape-up! It is these little screw-ups by little "napoleons" that lead to total ruin in our 'once decent' system of governance !
Where is my elected representative? Where is that 'towering' kris weilding Education Minister ? Where is my clean and efficient PM ? Where is the opposition ?? Heeeeeelp me...!