Perkasa: Banish "political whores" Wan Azizah, Azmin
By Teoh El Sen
KUALA LUMPUR: Perkasa has launched a vitriolic attack on PKR president Wan Azizah Wan Ismail and her newly minted deputy Azmin Ali for allegedly turning their backs on the concept of Malay supremacy to lure Chinese and Indian votes.
In Perkasa's limited vocabulary "whore" is anyone who is not a Malay.
The hardline Malay group's Youth chief Arman Azha Abu Hanifah had labelled the opposition duo as “political prostitutes” and demanded that such individuals be banished.
Another moron trying his hand to draw a little cheap attention and hoping to score some brownie-points within a band of bigots !
He was responding to Wan Azizah's speech at the PKR national congress yesterday, which was backed by Azmin.
Calling them “traitors” to the Malay race, Arman said: “They are successful because of 'ketuananMelayu' (Malay supremacy) but now, they have forgotten their roots.”
All "malay supremacy" leads back to their roots in Indonesia , Kerala, India and Yunan in China. So it is good to know one's roots.....never forget that all you Perkasa goons.
After achieving success, he said, these individuals had become “arrogant and crazy” and were prime examples of “Melayu mudah lupa” (Malays forgetting easily).
Ask the senile Indian doctor from Kerala......he coined this phrase......only now he's also forgotten his roots and what message he was actually trying to convey....hahahaha !
“They are political prostitutes who will do anything just to get Indian and Chinese support," he added during a press conference here this afternoon.
And what's wrong in getting Chinese and Indian support, you idiot ? Who actually contributes the major chunk in terms of taxes for BN to run this country....huh ? Think this country was for only Malays ? We never had this kind of talk from our founding fathers. If they had spoken then...we'd have the indigenious peoples of this country ruling us. Perkasa actually thinks this is only a country ruled for and by Malays. If that was the case.....as what these "juara kampung" thinks.....then living in a tree-houses and walking half naked with a blow-pipe will still be the norm.
Stressing that Perkasa was neither a racist nor right-wing outfit, Arman called on the Malay rulers to banish those who went against “ketuanan Melayu”.
My arse !....neither racists nor right-winged ? Then what's with the "hate" all who suck-up to non-Malays ? Perkasa reeks with racism shit....and spells big trouble for Najib's 1this and 1that crap !
He also described the PKR president's speech as deriding the Malay rulers, whose sovereignty was protected under “ketuanan Melayu”.
Nobody's denying the constitution. Remember Tunku was accompanied by 2 non-Malays to go and recieve our Independance in England. Did anyone cared or bothered to mention that we were already 1ONE back in 1957 ? Or have they altered/erased that part of history too ? This little ass-hole was not even swimming in his daddy's scrotum then. Why do we allow now the constitution to be misinterpretated to suit these Perkasa whores ?
Arman claimed that the concept of “ketuanan Melayu” had been misconstrued as the subjugation of other races.
More misinterpretation and injecting of "ketuanan Melayu" !
“We want other races to respect the social contract and know the country's history,” he said, adding that Perkasa upheld the Federal Constitution and wanted to ensure that Malay rights were respected.
I know the country's history and also know what to "up-hold". The constitution clearly states every race is to be respected and are protected to have freedom of worship. Nowhere in the constitution is there any mention of "pendatangs".......because all of us Malays, Chinese and Indians ARE pendatangs....save the indigenious peoples of Peninsular Malaya and Sabah and Sarawak ! Gettit it, you stupid excuse of a "suspect" Malay ?
Not sparing Wan Azizah's husband, PKR supremo Anwar Ibrahim, Arman said that the latter was the cause of Malay disunity and was not fit to be prime minister.
That's your personel opinion mutt...not interested.
"If he wants to lead the country, he should resolve his personal problems first... he has yet to resolve this (the sodomy trial) but he wants to lead," he added.
There he goes again with his 1trick stunt to divert from the issue.
Wan Azizah: It's about the goodness in a person
In an immediate reaction, Wan Azizah expressed shock over Arman's statement.
“Oh my goodness! I think Arman mistook what I have said, and he should read the text of my entire speech. (Before I delivered the speech), we (PKR leaders) sat and debated it (the content).
Hope that text was in Bahasa.....otherwise this dick-head won't have a clue of what he reads.
“You're not born of race; if you are a Muslim, the most important thing is your faith and it is the goodness in a person which is the differentiating factor regardless of whether you are a Malay, Chinese or Indian,” she told FMT.
Same words every prophet had uttered in different languages.....but alas.....can anyone actually "live" those words ?
Quoting Prophet Muhammad, she said that the prophet himself had stressed that a good person was defined by the manner he or she led their life.
And before Mohamad, it was Jesus, and Buddha and Lord Krishna and a host of other great men of the universe.
Meanwhile, PAS Youth chief Nasrudin Hassan Tantawi also condemned Arman over his stinging remarks.
“Calling them 'political prostitutes' is crude and harsh. I believe the PKR president did not mean to sideline Malay rights, but called on us Malays not to be racist,” he said.
That's putting it mildly......I've got a string of explicite adjectives to describe this uncouth worm !
Nasrudin said while it was not wrong to fight for one's race, it should however not be at the expense of other races.
Be a leader of mankind.....not a false champion for a religion. At the end of the day, it's for political mileage and for rewards of monetary acquisition. How shallow and fake.
“I am worried that Perkasa is only fighting for the Malays, we should not do this. We should fight for justice for all races. However, I am not against ketuanan Melayu,” he added.
Hear.....hear !
'This are not Malay values'
Nasrudin's DAP counterpart Anthony Loke was not surprised by Arman's tongue-lashing, given that it had come from a Perkasa leader.
What's new from Perkasa ? Same shit churned out by a different "toilet".....that's all !
"Of course, coming from Perkasa it is not surprising. I feel it is too much for anyone to use such a word to label your political opponent, especially a woman. This is highly insensitive, derogatory and unbecoming of a Malaysian citizen," he told FMT.
As the master-corrupted and ex-premier of 22 years would say...."biadap"!
"I am sure the Malay culture does not condone such an act as the Malay culture values politeness and respect. It is these so-called protectors of Malay values who are saying such things," he added.
Going back to history.....cultural values, respect and politness left behind in their country of origin !
On the same note, Loke praised Wan Azizah and other PKR leaders for raising the subject, knowing that they would come under attack from the likes of Perkasa.
“Saying that we are against 'ketuanan Melayu' does not mean we are questioning the position of the Malay rulers, the royal institution is there. This is in Pakatan Rakyat's common policy, we uphold the constitution. Pakatan has no problem with the institution of constitutional monarchy.
Hear......hear again !
"The very reason we question 'ketuanan Melayu' is because we question Barisan Nasional's approach to formulating policies based on racial interests and approaches,” he told FTM.
Tell me, is not BN's agenda but that of UMNO and UMNO's only ?
In a related development, Selangor Umno deputy liaison chief Noh Omar also slammed PKR for raising the “ketuanan Melayu” issue and giving the impression that Malays wanted to lord over the rest.
Is that not the issue here ?
Calling it a wrong impression, he said that it was done with the intention of seeking political mileage.
“'Ketuanan Melayu' does not mean that we want to become 'tuan'. It means safeguarding the rights enshrined in the constitution with regard to the Malays,” he was quoted as saying by Bernama.
There seem to be much insecurity from these buggers !
According to him, PKR leaders themselves do not understand the concept and had failed to protect it as witnessed in several issues such as Selangor excos not using the national language in their official letterheads and allowing non-Muslims to enter mosque grounds to the point that the sultan had to interfere.
Perkasa fails to realise it is but Malaysians ( read you and me and all honest tax-paying citizens of this country) at large who will decide. By the way, are not all houses of worship opened to all men of peace and goodwill ?
“In this context, the 'ketuanan Melayu' which we want to defend, is the sanctity of Islam as the official religion and Bahasa Melayu as the national language. This is what is meant by defending 'ketuanan Melayu' and PKR has failed to do so,” he said.
That is what is meant to be Malaysians.......not Malays. Perkasa wants to champion Islam or UMNO ? The answer is anybody's guess and with the right derogative title/label bestowed on all non-UMNO or non-Malay !