How sick is Malaysia ?( read here for the sick story !) This is an act even an animal wouldn't think of doing to another specie....and here, we in Malaysia, have to read, hear and bear witness to this on a daily basis ! Think we are getting used to such atrocities as normal occurance, right ?
What went wrong with us ? Was it in our education system ? Was it in our religious system ? Was it in our political system ? Was it in our enforcement system ? Will the persons responsible for all this social break-down, please stand up !
6 years old and scarred for LIFE ! God,my stomach is churning inside-out ! And I beg to God for the healing of my sick country, Malaysia ! Still pretending everything IS safe and okay, here in Malaysia, eerh ? Wake-up fools ! This can happen to your child !
Amen !
**the hyena's back !