KUALA LUMPUR (March 30, 2008): "I’m still very alive, I’m not dead, you understand? I’m alive! I’m alive! I’m a workaholic and I will work for the community all the time," said MIC president Datuk Seri S.Samy Vellu.
He made the more than 160 grassroots leaders from all over the country sit up in their seats while delivering his keynote address to a MIC Divisional Leaders' Workshop titled “Rebranding the MIC” on the party’s headquarters today.
Samy Vellu also issued advice and pointers for the party’s new journey at all levels – branches, divisions, for state executive councillors, and even for the three leaders who were appointed to the new cabinet.
He said among the people’s concerns were employment issues involving the Social Security Organisation, youth training, the welfare of estate workers, the lack of employment for Indians in the government and micro-businesses finding it hard to manage.
“In squatter housing areas, there will be 10 Indian shops but once they are relocated to flats or new houses, there is only one shop, if they are lucky.
“How are businesses to grow this way?” Samy Vellu cited an example.Reminding the participants that the party is “guardian for the Indian community and only we can voice for the Indians,” Samy Vellu said the MIC will establish an Implementation Coordination Committee (ICC) to review and analyse community needs and requests through divisional leaders’ submissions.
He said the ICC will meet on a bi-monthly basis and MIC will continue its ‘Meet-The-People Session’ on Tuesdays from April to listen to the concerns of the people.
“MIC recognises that there are many unresolved community concerns and it is in addressing these concerns that MIC launched ‘An Agenda for Action to Address the Socio-Economic Disadvantages of Malaysian Indians’ which is comprehensive and will be implemented with the Federal Government’s assistance,” he said.
At a press conference later, Samy Vellu revealed his plans of going on a nationwide roadshow “from state to state and district to district” and expressed confidence of working with former deputy MIC president Datuk S. Subramaniam despite their supporters having disagreements amongst each other.
“Just because two or three people cannot see eye-to-eye, it doesn’t mean all of them cannot agree.
“I’m very confident that we will do well and if you want, I can call the whole membership in. You just give me a few months after I visit state to state,” he said.
Asked when he would hand the party reins over, he replied: “I will lead the party until I die. People want me to die earlier but because of you, I will not die”.
“If the opposition doesn’t care about race issues, why are they going back to what BN is doing?“Why only one Indian (state exco) in Perak, only one in Penang and one in Selangor? There must be three fellows!
“In one month (since the elections), I learnt a lot about how to tell lies to people and attract them but we do not do that,” Samy Vellu added.
Well....folks let's take this moron's shallow quotes one by one and digest them slowly..shall we ?
In the opening line he says "I'm alive" twice and a "workaholic"... well I say he may be alive but MIC is DEAD yes...dead because of incompetency by selfish party head and branch leaders who were only interested in personal wealth acquisitions and had hardly anytime to "serve" the masses because each one of them branch leaders were appointed only to lift this man's ego to high heaven...and only then they will remain as corrupted branch heads and that flows through down the hierarchy of MIC politics !
And if that opening line got 160 grassroot leaders "sitting-up in their seats" Samy could get the whole country standing in ovation and cheering if he died !
Moving on... seriously would anyone take a "loser's" advice and "pointers" ? Hmmm !
On the welfare of Indians....hellooooo Samy, you had donkey years being in charge, yet only NOW you want to look into these problems ??? What were you doing ALL this time ?? Were you blind and deaf those years ?? How do think HINDRAF evolved about huh ?? A product of your arrogance and ignorance, Samy. Surely you and MIC cannot claim to be guardians and represent the Malaysians of Indians descent anymore.....all Malaysians of Indian origins can now fend for themselves in any opposition party in the coalition quite comfortably...and that's a fact ! And the HINDRAF 5 does not need your sympathy now.....no action then....you want credit now, moron ?
And Samy, you don't "beg" for the states excos to include an Indian in their line-up...you demand...remember HINDRAF ?? Yes... you are supposedly a leader, as you boastfully claim, should be seen to get those demands.... otherwise why call yourself a leader huh ? You don't beg but demand... comprendo ??
I am totally shocked that only now in 1 month, since the elections, you learnt how to lie...LIAR! See...you only learnt how to lie from the oppositions too, huh ?? And the BN were saints who spoke the gospel truth all these 50 odd years ?? Then I am the Pope...understand ?
You've been lying through your teeth( dentures ?) for far too long and you have been suppressing the less fortunate Malaysians of Indian origins and you still think you are worshiped like you were a demi-god huh ???My advice to you still remains the same as before, Dato Seri S. Samy Vellu- just get lost !!
*pic. courtesy of mob1900