Where you too busy taking care of the family, Mr. Prime Minister ? Why ? Didn't you notice the glaring absence of other races in your service ? Why suddenly only now you admit the civil service was dominated by a single race and you want to increase non-Malay participation in the civil services, and in your own words "to reflect the true racial composition of the nation" ? Where we, the non-Malays, did not count as Malaysians ? Has our very existence been "forfeited as a non-entity" in your eyes all along, before now ?
If you had thought of all the people, irrespective of color, faith or cultures as the peoples who rooted for you and voted you in as the Prime Minister, you would not have to go back in time to try and fulfill those manifesto NOW for your future, right ?
I do not hate you Mr. Prime Minister, no sir, that is not what I was taught both in school back in the 60's and 70's and in my "civil-service oriented" family too, and this is the exact and simple principle I teach my 11 year old daughter today- to first treat everyone as humans, never to judge anyone and all are equal before God and the word "hate" is a dirty word !
No, sir, I am not judging you.....in fact I like you very much, you were my first choice to lead this country, or so I decided then, after 22 years of the Tun..... and I am really sad to admit and confess I made a wrong choice. BUT now you are back, saying things you should have implemented 4 years ago ! Why are you confusing my conscience again ? Dare I hope to trust you this time ? Do you get good and sincere advise from the people around you ?
Do you have any idea how dangerous it is to walk alone in the streets today ? The very sound of a motor-cycle approaching me from behind gives me the shivers, Mr. PM, because I've been robbed by "parang" yielding scum-bags before...and your police were never around but can be seen by the hundreds at peaceful rallies for no apparent reason, why ? Or at dark road corners, not to protect the citizens but to harass the citizens by finding trivial excuses to collect bribes, do you know that ? And my house too was broke-in once !
You have single-handedly raised the prices, for the umpteen time, of everything that we, your ordinary citizens, need to just sustain our life daily. And suddenly now you want to review and lower the price of oil ? That is good ! But what has prompted you to do so, so suddenly ? Is it the fear of further losing your peoples confidence ? Why this flip-flop decisions now ? Can you be decisive in your imposition of "ideas" as to how to make your citizens happy, without first screwing-it up ??
And these are only just a few of the numerous other scandals and "short-comings" in your administration, Pak Lah....and I could go on and on.... !
Don't do a Nero on us, Mr. Prime Minister, please !
My family and I wish you the best, sir....if you can truly not just "think" Malay BUT walk and talk as a Malaysian for all Malaysians !
Godbless !
I thinking good you also blog on Sunday now. May be you can try next week blog on Saturday also.
Are we referring to Fiddling as in playing a stringed instrument with a stick or FIDDLING?
He may not know how to play a musical instrument but methinks with the amount of fiddling practice he has, he would be a natural talent on any violin
And really stephen I am not sure the light has not left the building some time ago..so yr post may be a tad late!
It now appears to me that the problem began with the concept of "Ketuanan Melayu".
This concept was introduced around the time when Malaysia was working hard to achieve independence from the British.
As we are all aware, the malays were marginalised in the economic sector and perhaps to a large extend the political side as well.
The malay leaders of the time tried to boost the spirit of the malay community by introducing the concept of "Ketuanan Melayu".
So, the malay leaders at that time used the concept "Ketuanan Melayu" as a rallying point not as a tool to oppress or rid the non-malays, but merely as a cry to prevent the malays from drifting towards oblivion in the era of Malaysia as a country.
While the other concepts ranging from ethnic cleansing to white supremacy are meant to dominate and wipe out the other races, "Ketuanan Melayu" is only meant to help the malays to get to equal footing with the non-malays.
Better late than never... but seriously.. do u think the Peeam ever reads anything whether it be the msm or the internet??? Or does the Peeam ever knows what is happening around the country.. or the post offices are all jam packed with people wasting millions of man hours waiting to claim their petrol rebates..? or the daily traffic jams or the frustrations of our daily life looking for a parking spot so that we can run to shops to do our errands...and have to rush back to send our kids to school... and... and...endless??
KEEP up pressure every day to find and protect Bala and Dr Othman and their families.
Reserve C4 for Saiful and the next 20 on all hit lists
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