I shudder to know what damage 700,000 "village idiots" armed and in uniform are going to do to the existing 96,000 police forces' already bloody and filth stained image ! (read here )
Our PM has even come to their defence, dismissing protests and the hundreds of reports of high-handed human-rights violations, crimes, assaults, rapes, thefts and video-taping victims in "compromising" positions committed by these over-zealous and half-baked goons nation-wide and mostly against defenceless locals and foreign workers ! Can these goons be reformed ?... have they ?...will they ??? Hmmm....I'll still stick to the old adage "you can't make race-horses out of donkeys" !!! And cheap too ? If we needed cheap....get the Gurkhas ! At least they are decent and trust-worthy ! Hmmmm....see "when you pay peanuts you get monkeys", yes ?
Good luck to you Mr.PM ! With these fellows roaming the streets of Malaysia, you'll most need it sir, to keep the scales of your popularity from tipping ! Or could they even be "planted" there to conspire and give your 1Malaysia a bad name eventually ! I would be very suspicious of them! You too should be, sir !
Read my earlier posts of how I've always felt of these morons here and here more then a year ago !