Boy.... oh boy....my head is spinning !!! With all this crappy scandles popping-up all of a sudden, from all sides....from "how the government looted up to USD100million" to the Negeri MB's RM10 million transfer to London to the plunderings of millions of ringgits in Sarawak and on to the BTN issue to the PI Bala tapes to the already known PKFZ's RM12 billion rip-off issue !!! We sure have our plates full of shit !
The way I see it , we as a nation are not headed to any Zimbabwean way. We have arrived ! We are the new champions.....and for all the wrong reasons !
Going back to the BTN issue.....and after reading the numerous postings written all over the blogs, I must say this is a crying shame to those who initiated this program from an era by-gone ! Imagine the trust the tax-paying peoples of Malaysia had and still have on the current PM's call for 1Malaysia ! Is this the work of someone out to undermine the unity we so fondly speak off ? Suddenly everything we strived for seems like "misplaced-trust" and put in the hands of cannibals ! There are many past participants who now come out openly speaking of the goings-on in these national "hate" camps ! Why do we need this sort of indoctrination ? Where did our founding fathers go wrong ? We have always enjoyed and respected each others company and now this shit ! Is this an UMNO issue or a BN issue ? Who's head should roll now ? Nobody in the government wants to come out to address these issues, allegations and accusations head-on and objectively. I too am anxiously waiting ! We only have mansion-owners or "has-beens" and "irrelevants" going on defensive mode to justify past mischievous actions. And the "elegant silence" from the top is unbearable !
Was this the way our colonial master( after raping us blind first ! ) envisaged the future of this "free" country ? Maybe we should still be under our colonial masters' rule....at least that way we'll surely know we are being "buggered" left, right and centre and perhaps in time even learn to enjoy it, yes ????
This is all so shameful ! Sheeeeeesh !!
Hello Bro,
money-changers are very very relevant in current digital era. They are very efficient than triple A rated banks. You can very well trust them. They execute well. It is a marvel to hear the MB using their service. No receipts or records or document. You get value for money. They can sense fake US Dollars miles away.
I read the money-changer is being investigated not the customer.
Your office is next door to Bank Negara, please get the money-changer license and I will run the show...split 60:40 ( you must be the sleeping partner to earn 40% )
I am feeling so shameful, angry and helpless by the constant unveiling of corruption and financial scandals in my beloved country. All tax payer should boycott and shop paying tax for one year in protest.
1Patan 2BeeAnt
i am no lover of dr mahathir.
but the claim of him squandering RM100b has been so simplified by those who mentioned Wain's book.
you hate dr mahathir and all the projects he carried out -- then i suppose you'd blame him for squandering. which is not fair. because all those projects are for the people. you can argue it is for his personal glory.
are they wasteful? that is debatable.
so really, i think it is quite unfair to accuse him of squandering RM100b, simply like that.
just my humble opinion.
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