Pusat Zakat pays for her RM400 -a- month rented room in Jalan Cenderai. And that's the ONLY help she gets.
Today she's short of RM1,300. She needs this money to safe-guard herself daily from the many "near misses" she's escaped from reckless motorists who hardly notice her little self crouching in her noiseless wheelchair whizzing by. She needs to add a new battery with 2 front and rear lights, a rear-view mirror and a collapsible tray for her to place her wares of trade and an extra basket behind the seat for the spare battery and charging cables. She can even give you the break-down of how much each item costs. Go ask her yourself.
Contact Fatimah directly on her cell phone @ no: 013-2254 574 and talk to her.
Godbless !
She is a brave Lady and those who are in a position to help her should do so. It does not matter even if it just RM1.00. Ramalx
Our Palestine heroes find it more chic to help foreigners. After all they can become instant celebrities by going on reality cruise ship tours. Helping a poor mak chik wont get you a datukship.
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