This "bapa ayam" is a reject of the MCA and BN and now if allowed into PKR then PKR will definitely be the dump-site for all scums and rotting carcasses who have failed terribly as leaders. "Leader" is a too big a word to be used on this puny moron.....because this ass-hole of a politician did not even win by popular vote in an election but sneaked in by default of yet another DAP reject who has now leap-frogged out of PKR claiming to be a BN friendly "independent". Nice !
Funny how many rode on the 8th. March 2008 ticket masquerading as politicians when in actual fact were mere opportunists riding easy on sympathetic votes just to oust and shake BN ! As a matter of fact you could have nominated even a monkey and the monkey would have won hands-down against anyone, anywhere that BN stood ! That was how pissed-off the rakyat were with over 50 years of corrupt and incorrigible BN rule ! And now this "piece of chicken shit" wants to do the same thing and Anwar would dare permit his admission into PKR ??? I'm watching every move Anwar makes including the screw-ups and mess in the UMNO-type party elections.......very closely. Will Anwar ever learn anything ?
My next posting will tell you what I think of Anwar.
Celaka punya tahi ayam! Ciiisss!!!
Politicians and daipers have one thing in common. They must be changed regularly for the same reason.
PKR is desperately looking for rejects to beef up their gangster based politics.
Rejects are easy to control, thats why they are welcome into PKR.
Anyone who joins PKR will be praised like a baby without sins.
Maybe Samy Velu might also join PKR to cleanse his sins too. After all he is leaving MIC soon.
Generally speaking politicians are dirty. Once they acheive power and or wealth they can become dirtier. Just look at all the financial scandals in Malaysia, and you will agree with me.
True, many fence sitters actually now may think PKR is no different than Unmo and therefore they may continue to just vote for BN. The only way now for Anwar and PKR to redeem themselves is to ensure Anwar is charged and being sent to jail for Sodomy 2. This is the only way it may trigger a backlash and win sympathy votes out of hatred towards BN, by default.
BN in fact actually may not even need Sodomy 2 to see Anwar fall but just watch the fun seeing PKR going into self destruction mode with the way how things are being run now by PKR themselves.
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