It was a wet and cloudy afternoon when we drove into Labis....the poster war has been going on for more then a week now and those who had contracts to make these are already laughing all the way to bank to "cash-in" of their sudden windfall I guess. I chanced upon visiting the local MIC operations office.....and it was a sad sight perhaps only see these "over-worked" (sic sic ) staff manning it, having their lunch.
...and just outside of town was this "camping ground' for our boys and girls in blue. What a sight ! I was told that the owner of this plot of "prime" land is getting RM136,000 for the duration of this buy-election. Now isn't that a tidy sum for a few days ?
.....even the flags were fluttering in full the chilly winds came in with the south-west monsoon season. ahhh....this banner is really funny as it speaks volume of Cikgu Mala's edge over her opponent's irregularities involving a land auction scam when in his capacity as assistant district officer of Segamat. Heard also that the case is up for hearing this February 7th. Well.......if he wins this election tomorrow then "semuanya will be okay" !
Meet young Amri Azahan with "kong-kong" zorro. Already a party worker helping out his dad to secure HIS touching !
....and outside the DAP "bilik gerakan" helpers getting ready to assist anyone.
....and across the road is this sign urging all those who have not collected their "present" or "hadiah" to do so. Incidently this is also the branch office of the Segamat MCA ! Wonder if Chua Soi Lek knows what's happening on the ground floor.
...hmmm...the out-come of this by-election is best predicted by these locals. They told me that last week the odds were at a 3,000 majority in favour of BN. Today they said it's dropped to 1,500. But then one "taiko" interjected and gave his 2sens, that by midnight tonight he's be able to actually gauge a more precise percentage. I really believe this guy. I'm very curious and keen to meet him later tonight after the final "ceremah" or I will not be able to sleep tonight....come to think of it....I WILL not be able to sleep tonight HAVE to hear Bernard's snore !! they taunted and cheered in amusement at the sight of some UMNO Wanita doing their walk-abouts distributing oranges.
while some of them even stopped to view up-close the poster of the Tenang darling.
....and it was back to our 3-to-a-room "operations centre".... a modest suburb home-stay in Segamat. Guess our humble and crammed room is a far cry from the luxury afforded by bloggers from the "other" side. .......sigh !
Wow DNC,
Great that you made this. All the pundits are pointing to a 3,000 victory for BN. If PAS does manage to bring it down to 1,500 its a moral victory for PAS nonetheless.
I am curios has the Tenang campaign increased or decreased support for BN outside Tenang?
My prediction, with KJ's late inclusion, BN should win with about 3,000 votes. No KJ, then BN's victory would have been cut by half.
Wow DNC,
Great that you made this. All the pundits are pointing to a 3,000 victory for BN. If PAS does manage to bring it down to 1,500 its a moral victory for PAS nonetheless.
I am curios has the Tenang campaign increased or decreased support for BN outside Tenang?
My prediction, with KJ's late inclusion, BN should win with about 3,000 votes. No KJ, then BN's victory would have been cut by half.
Blame KJ I guess. He's that good :-)
All the best and have a safe journey home
Great pictorial post Shang. Guess who's missing the action terribly? Tell kong kong, team BU misses his cantankerous self.
I like the rustic operations centre.
Rod x
what or who is DNC ? Is this some new code ? Please enlighten me.
Time to down a pint or two. Wrong strategy must have back fired badly.
It's the Azmin factor and the PKR shambles that is causing BN to win big.
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