Ever since the new government took the reins of power in Penang from Gerakan back in 2008, one man or rather one totally frustrated man with a despicable attitude or to put it in a "nutshell".......a local idiot who has made it a "jihad" to tarnish and attack whatever good the new government can do or is doing. His target is none other then Lim Guan Eng, the chief minister himself.
This simpleton must have had a very violent and deprived childhood to be so vile and uncouth. My first guess is, he must have lost out heavily on a lot of projects dished out on a platter to him by the previous government and is now facing lawsuits from uncompleted project which came to a halt when the new government scrapped all crony favoured contracts of the past government. and introduced a level playing field and transparency. Then again, he being who he is and bankrupt of ideas, need as much free publicity as he can garner to climb up the ranks in his puny political career in an equally dubious UMNO. He comes on as a strong runner-up only to that frog, Ibrahim Ali of Perkasa and the father of corruption and racism, the MahaTun if gauged with a "looney-meter" for absolute stupidity !
He is also the Komtar Traders Association vice-president apart from being the chairman of Pertubuhan Suara Anak-Anak Malaysia and a host of other silly NGO groups and is always surrounded with young and like-minded suspect "Malays" ( I'll give you the benefit to judge for yourselves) and an "untouchable" to the boys-in-blue.
He was one of two "Malays" ( the other being Perkasa Youth of Penang) who demanded former Bar Council president Ambiga's citizenship revoked ( here ) for spear-heading the July "Bersih" walk.
Again he was the rouge who chanted anti racial slur and disrupted traffic as usual after Friday prayers ( here ) while the cops looked the other way.
In July he caused a stir with bras and panties ( here ).
Then he made another stupid publicity stunt ala MG Pandithan ( here )
And now with this latest cheap and shitty stunt ( here ) we can confirm what this village idiot is made off and where he's heading to.....if not to the mental hospital, flushed into the sewers and out to the Jelutong river!
And this cretin is the "hired" product of UMNO, a party Najib claims as moderate, modern and unifying, yes ? With these type of crass creatures vying for party post to govern us, UMNO is doomed and Najib will be dumped come the next GE ! And the favour of who to vote next is nicely cut out for the Opposition. Go figure Mr. Prime Minister.
One thing's for sure, he's definitely somehow related to that old and senile ex-prime minister the Tun. I can see the resemblance somewhere or they could both be from the same "kampung" back in their native Kerala but I'd also bet my last ringgit, the old "paw-peh, paw-peh" geezer would say otherwise and that he cannot remember this particular village idiot from Adam.
Need I say more ? I rest my case !
Getting angry is good. Getting even at GE13 is better. Ghani is a living proof that some special United Mamak No Otak (UMNO)drifters can live without a brain.
Somewhere, a village is missing it's idiot.
Satu masa dulu,adik aku pernah menetap di UK selama lebih setahun . Tapi adik ipar aku duduk situ dah lama,dekat 6 tahun . Duduk situ,kerja bukannya kerja besar,kerja pun chef kecil-kecilan dekat restoran . Adik aku pulak kerja jadi baby sitter . Gaji,takde la besar, tak sampai pun seribu pound tak silap aku . . . tapi . . .
1 . Baju kat sana 3 pound . Kat Malaysia baju2 tu hanya dijual di Pavilion,KL . Baju orang kebanyakan di UK ,baju orang kaya di Malaysia .
2 . Kasut Lacoste kat sana 20 pound .
3 . Sewa bilik ada dapur 200 pound .
4 . Transportation,takde,naik bas,naik tube,satu hari punya tiket 5 pound unlimited ride . Tak payah tunggu lama, paling lama tunggu bas,5 minit 2 bijik datang . Naik tube tak pernah rasa tak selesa . Ada Oyster kad,senang nak ke mana-mana .
5 . Pegi Asda ke Tesco ke, beli barang dapur,satu troli 20 pound . Lepas untuk seminggu .
6 . Tak pernah rasa nak beli kereta sebab membazir, orang kaya berlagak aje pakai kereta ke mana-mana .
7 . Jalanraya sesuai untuk bawak basikal . Adik ipar aku, main transportation dia,basikal,undang-undang . . . wajib pakai helmet .
8 . Tambang tube nak ke airport . . . 3 pound .
9 . DVD ori sekeping 3 pound . Aku beli Ice Age 1 dan 2 boxset 6 pound .
10 . Apa-apa barang pun mcm pakaian, tak puas hati dengan produk, boleh pulangkan dalam tempoh 30 hari, takde banyak soal asal simpan resit dan tag tak dicabut .
11 . Dan aku malas nak cerita pasal Black Friday dan sale musim panas . . .
12 . Bayangkan anda mampu beli kereta Mercedes second hand cash . . . dengan hanya mengeluarkan 500 pound . Sini? Hutang 5 tahun untuk bayar kereta second hand . . kereta di UK tidak ada value sangat kerana . . . pengangkutan awam membuatkan kereta tidak relevan dan penting dalam hidup . Perkhidmatan teksi adalah sesuatu perkhidmatan premium sebab teksi tidak diperlukan sangat .
Bila dia balik Malaysia,
. . . . . . kerja mesti kena ambik overtime, kalau tak duit tak cukup . Barang makanan sekali pegi beli Rm200 . Nak pegi beli barang pun susah sebab public transport susah . Apa yang Ismail Sabri Yaakob pelik macam mana RPK boleh hidup mewah kat UK kalau orang Malaysia yang kerja dia waiter kedai makan dekat Malaysia Hall pun boleh hidup senang kat sana? Adik ipar aku balik sini, sambil hisap rokok dengan aku dia tanya aku, "Apasal hidup kat Malaysia ni susah sangat?"
Lagi la pelik bila menteri tanya apasal ramai orang lebih gemar migrate ke negara lain . . . Tukang sapu pun boleh hidup senang kat UK . Marah pulak diorang bila rakyat mempersoalkan "Kenapa menteri mampu hidup mewah kat Malaysia ,layak ke diorang?"
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