Sunday, July 15, 2012

pariah vs. pariah

Well well what do you Malaysia, being a Malaysian of remote Indian origins aka "pariahs" ( me included but I'm getting sick of this word !) in politics and one who knows how to sucks up to Barisan National means you get to own or be the main financier to run your own daily newspaper. That alone is enough to pump up the juices of these buggers with bloated egos.

So there's another new newspaper in town. So what ? That too by a short-assed ex-chauffeur to a tycoon who had a fairy tale ending by marrying the tycoon's divorced daughter and who went on to inherit his entire estate. Good for him but not for that ugly no-good son of an ex-minister, Vel Pari, CEO of Tamil Nesan, one of the current 4 Tamil dailies, from bitching about it.

This is the reason why Malaysians of remote Indian origins aka pariahs, are treated the way they are treated by the UMNO led BN. But I'd ask here, is not the BN government arming every school going child with a lap-top and iPad already ? Where the pariahs' children denied a lap-top or iPad each ? And isn't a newspaper an obsolete form of media already when every one is on the net already ? And we already have 4 UMNO suck-up newspapers in Tamil, owned by MIC pariahs to spin lies to these pariahs in the rural areas already so why another ?

But this hobbit Eswaran is crafty as a fox with a hemorrhoid. He's said to be close to Najib and insists his paper "Naam Naadu" (Our Nation) is going to be the mouth-piece of the BN government ! That's big talk for a little hobbit, right ? He's selling his paper at RM1 as compared to the other 4, priced at RM1.30 and this has got that idiot Vel Pari son of Samy Vellu fuming. The idiot wants to monopolise the propaganda arm of Najib. But most of all he wants to maintain as "top suck-up" to UMNO and he cannot afford competition. He prides himself as best ass-licker.....up till now.....until Frodo Baggins has made a move for that position.

Will this new newspaper make any difference ? Nothing except that the already vocally dead political parties that own these newspapers and claim to champion the pariahs will do nothing to lift up the current conditions of the rural folks in estates or elsewhere who live below poverty line and in squalor. News on new Tamil pictures, movie stars and politics of India are what fills the current 6 to 8 pages of all 4 broad-sheets dailies and that's all that keep these complaisant pariahs happy.

UMNO and BN has no worries about losing the undying loyalty of these cheap pariahs. These are the men who lead but with no dignity or pride. These pariahs are fighting amongst themselves over pricing of newspapers but not one of them dares to question UMNO or Najib for the use of the word "pariah" printed in the school text book "Interlok", which is used for literature in our schools for students in Form 4 or 5 wherein the author has claimed in the book that all Indians who originated from India but came to Malaysia (then Malaya) were of the pariah caste or the lowly untouchables !! Thus my loose use of the word to term all Malaysians of remote Indian origins, including yours truly ! Will this new paper dare to tackle that and the other cow-head, temple and pendatang issues ? Naah !

Ahhh...but there was one very cunning and devious pariah who was a step ahead of the rest. He was of Indian origins with an "a/l" ("anak lelaki" meaning "son of so-and-so"...) on his identity card and a Muslim and rising in power....voila...he became an instant Malay and happily went on to be prime minister for 22 years whilst giving corruption and racism a new meaning and a way of life in Malaysia. Today even he would sit back and watch these pariah fools fight it out to be top ass-licker and clap when they literally kill each other off, while doing their master's (read UMNO) dirty work for scraps !

Senator T. Ananthan aka "taukeleh-man" of MIC....where the fcuk are you again !


bruno said...

The only thing is that stupid useless drunkard son of Sammy jumped into bed and his mistress ended up dead.And his daddy had to beg the Dr to save his useless drunkard son from the hangman.

zorro said...

Fish, I was told the driver married the boss's widow.I read somewhere he is the next Ananda. He was also in La Salle, Sentul.

Shanghai Fish said...

No Bernard, my source was working for the hobbit way back in the 90's. I have seen pictures on the family then. Perhaps we are talking of his grand-papa-in-law then ?