I'm sure you would have driven around Putrajaya and admired most of all the many splendorous monoliths, buildings and bridges. Bridges that linked one side of the lake to the other. Millions if not billions have been spent ! After-all it was one man's utopian dream to build mega-buildings using tax-payers money to leave a mark of his 22 years of ruthlessly dictatorship and in power.
Many a contractor became an over-night millionaire by being a part of this mega-project. Millions of tax-payers money were spent, to some foolishly to others as a need to keep up with the rest of the developed countries. Putrajaya was even labelled a "white elephant" by critics and some even called it "Banglacity", perhaps referring to the hundreds of Bangladeshis who worked there and spent their off days roaming the almost deserted city.
I must admit the architecture and spacious road planning is commendable, but what caught my eye is this bridge in the photos above. You will notice that this bridge has no road connected nor tarmac and ends abruptly with both sides hanging on air. It is ridiculous to think why on earth this bridge was even built in the first place. It does not "connect" to any side and thick under-growth on one side with huge cables dangling with no real purpose.
Does anybody really cared if we have here an "abandoned" project by an absconded contractor ? I'm sure somebody has the answers or is answerable. Or maybe nobody cared because they were diverted to looked at all those other humongous buildings around or maybe, just maybe this huge bridge looked perfectly okay from a distance, no ?
Now the question of why, who, what and how and it demands answers. Who's accountable ? Tun Mahathir ? Ain't that a shame ?
*click on pictures for larger view.
This is like what Sarah Palin said,the democrats wanted to build a bridge in Alaska called "A Bridge to Nowhere".In America they called it pork and barrel spending.
In Malaysia it is done to fattened political cronies tummies till their asses burst.Umnoputras themselves called it corruption.
Wahai Tun Mahathir want crooked bridge to Singapura but PutraJaya tak siap wakakaka.
All these crooked bridges were just a ploy to enrich venal and crooked Umno politicians. Just imagine, hundreds of millions of public money going into the pockets of Umno cronies. Fuck them all.
The Kerala Mamak Tongkang during whose administration RM 100 billion was stolen from the nation or squandered loves to pontificate on issues relating to GE 13. The reason is as plain as a shelled kacang puteh. He wants to be recognized as an intellectual in the same class as Mr Lee Kuan Yew who has the distinction of obtaining a double first at Cambridge but where intelligence and ethics are concerned the Celup Mamak is not even worthy to untie the laces of LKY's shoes. Yes, of course he has something of the jagoh kampong cunning, a characteristic which is chiefly useful for telling barefaced lies and for embezzling funds but look where he has left Malaysia and compare it with what LKY has accomplished in Singapore. By the way the Mamak and his sons are extremely rich and to date they have not declared their assets in public or explained to us how they came by them.
Ha, just read the latest news about the pipe line Here is the link http://www.nst.com.my/polopoly_fs/1.160866.1350926334!/image/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_454/image.jpg
This too will be another Bankrupt Nation "pride" ; Tunnel to No-where!
Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even where there is no river.
~Nikita Khrushchev, Russian Soviet politician
In Putrajaya, lakes were created so that costly bridges could be built with no beginning or end!
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