I'm not one who's good at curry-flavouring or giving public speeches. Today I'm writing a special post about someone I came to care about a lot. Someone who's close to my families ( in both the 2 parts of my life....hmmm.) in the short time we've engaged and interacted in and out of the blogging world.
Friend to many, foe to some, brother to more then a select few, buddy to a lot, father to 2 and husband to one and slave to none !
Bernard Khoo Teng Siew and I hail from the same town, Taiping. Of course, him being a decade older then me, we never knew each other there or then. But we share the same love for our alma mater and hometown. I met Bernard around 2006 in Kuala Lumpur, the year Malaysia was going through a political "Renaissance" of sorts under the Pak Lah administration, with the emergence of a then tightly knitted band of political irritants/misfits called bloggers ! (The then home minister Syed Albar even defined bloggers as jobless housewives (burp) who tell a great many lies and had nothing better to do !)
It is not important how we became good friends or even brothers, but there certainly was a special bonding amongst the elder bloggers of that time. Bernard who before then didn't even own a blog but used to frequently comment as zorro on many blogs, was encouraged to start his own blog by someone close in the blogging fraternity. The rest as you all know is history.
Bernard is a kind gentleman, a generous teacher, a passionate friend and a Malaysian. Politics and politicians who screw-up hurt him most but many a politician seek him out for supper or drinks in faraway places that he had covered during by-elections. He's mad about all sports from cricket to hockey but I still wonder why he supports soccer losers like MU ! (guess he's susceptible to bad judgement !)
Taken into custody for attending an illegal gathering in Ipoh during the "Perak-power-grab" debacle once, always in the fore-front covering almost all of the by-elections since 2008, numerous candle-light vigils for ISA, RPK or championing any protests to elevate the less fortunate and attending all protests marches.Bernard is hated by some and admired by many for his tireless feed of postings you'd want to think when this old man is going to stop and go play with his 3 grandsons in Bahamas.
We've shared rooms before when covering by-elections with what little donations we got from well-wishes and agents of change and if you had room-mates in the likes Bernard or Haris you'd never get any sleep at all. These 2 can actually orchestrate a symphony with their snoring. We've shared more then just rooms. We knocked chilled ones on far too many occasions. We shared stories and and gossips and even agreed to disagree on opinions but most of all we shared unconditionally, respect for each other. Bernard's trade-mark pipe and an occasional ciggy with his single malt with one cube of ice constituted his water intake for the day. And its been quite awhile since we clinked glasses too, my friend.
Bernard, today I hear you had a face-off with Mr. big C at the hospital !
I'm frightened with that piece of news, bro. I don't know what to do or how to help you. Is there anything I can do for you Bernard ? I don't know how to be brave for you.
So I'll tell to your face only once Bernard. I love you my brother.
And Cheers to all the happy memories you and I shared in these short beautiful years of friendship and will continue to do so. I dedicate the pictures below to you.
Below I share some pictures, in no particular order, of Bernard Khoo with people close to his heart from my private collection.
You, my readers may add captions where ever you deem fit.
In Tenang by-election....the morning after...guess nobody saw Bernard this early huh ?
A young and cute 'Unker" Zorro follower ......
Always a kind word to these guys who are doing their job.
Now this certainly is the Rogue's Gallery !
With Jarod and yours truly !
KLCC yellow take-over with Johnny Ong and Mary McGuire in the background !
Ahhhh......The Special Bunch !
Anteras with 2 thumbs-up after Bersih2 !
Me 2 mateys
(l-r) Raman Kukerji,Tony Gee,Bernard, Darren, Errol, GAB Host Francis Yew and Bala Lawrence at the Tavern.
Bernard, Rodi behind the lens and Boom nursing his wound from the last street fight.....civil disobedience !
Bernard's favorite Bhai'a friends from the NPC (l-r) Kesh, Ajitpal,Vivinder, NaSTy Bob, Aftar and Raman, who then taught him his favorite swear word...."Pudhi Dia"
With Colin Fernandez the cool guitarman at Jerry's farm in Tangkak
there's Azmi Sharom and Haris and...
(l-r) Alex Loh, Yusri,Shirley,SB Loy, Bernard and Jason Yew
With Mama Madagascar Penny.
(l-r) Patrick Teoh, yours truly, Bernard, Rocky and "whathismamacallhim" friend.
Bernard with Estrellita or Lita ( with a halo ?)
in Tenang with a young PAS supporter
Bernard's other favorite room-mate Arif Jon.
..... with that Special Bunch again in Taiping- Bukit Gantang by-election
and finally but not least, I surprised him with a visit at UH....tired, drugged and asleep but hand still on the mouse.........sleeping on the job !