A man lost 2 of his fingers and prayed in silence asking, "Why, God, why ? Why did this happen to me ? And now I've lost 2 fingers"... and after some time a voice silently screamed in his puny head..... "because it was not meant to be there in the first place, you moron !!"
In my younger days (now its like half a century ago !) we too had many fancy friends who offered "magic" pills to stay awake and alert during the run-up days that led up to the LCE and MCE examinations. Pills like roche' and mx (mandrax) kept you awake with a "high" yes, but never helped you grow extra brains all of a sudden. There were others who turned to marijuana, and strange as it may sound, turned out to be even better today after all. But we were warned from our young and foolish days ( we were about 15 years old !) to never resort to short-cuts. That any thing that went against the order of reality was false. Enhancing and empowering drugs are against the laws of nature .....hmmm.... unless it was a natural plant in itself. Ok !
Today all you parents too will surely be drumming the same advice to your kids to never go popping unprescribed pills and more so, if its from strangers. Today we also know that stupid is as stupid is ! That is why hundreds of ringgits are spent yearly on extra revision materials and tuition fees. That was then.
Today all you parents too will surely be drumming the same advice to your kids to never go popping unprescribed pills and more so, if its from strangers. Today we also know that stupid is as stupid is ! That is why hundreds of ringgits are spent yearly on extra revision materials and tuition fees. That was then.
Just wtf is going on in our primary schools today ?? Just what was our education ministry thinking, when they decided a short-cut to passing exams is by allowing little 12 year old (Standard 6 students) kids to pop pills ? And that too endorsed by the Malaysian Federation of the Council of Headmasters and approved by the Health and Education ministries !! Our education ministries are making junkies of our children at age 12 ! And at 17 they give them a gun in national service. Nice ! And that is okay with you ?
What happened to our "smart schools" then ? Can't find enough smart kids to fill the schools, eh ? I have said this before and I will say it again. We have a FAILED education system and we have been living in DENIAL for a very long time now. The sooner we wake up, the better you buggers ! Read the disgraceful blooping story here
Maybe they should recommend this "magic" pill to parliamentarians in our august house to help them utter some intelligence then the usual garbage that's coming out of their mouths everyday. Or alternatively allow them to smoke ganja in hookahs at the parliament lobby. I'm very sure more will prefer the latter.
Let me tell you this folks and take it from someone who hardly studied school text books. There is no short-cut to excellence, but sheer hard work. No two ways about it. Kapish ?
Don't know lah, but the younger generation want instant results.
Too bad, no such thing exists.
Not only that bro. They take a half a page from an English paper, burn it. Mix ash with water and tell the student to drink it. Now go and sit for English test. Sure get A one. Kapoosh. I half litre mineral water RM 2. Buzziness. Cheers. Mike.
Our motherfuckers have not only done irreparable damage to our hitherto superb education system, but they have now doing more damage by using foul means to achieve their own ends.
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