Time and again I have subtly signalled fair warnings by ending my posts with the phrase......"the world is watching".
Today at about an hour's time @ 3:15pm that "world" I was referring to then is going to bitch-slap or if you prefer ''crocodile slap", our government for its much publicised "liberal and transparent" policies when the 'big buana' has a private, one-on-one meeting with about 10 NGO's namely Ambiga of Bersih, Marina Chin Abdullah, Sisters in Islam, Council of Christian churches and the Bar Council.
All too soon, the 'eye' in the sky will know first-hand as each one of these chosen ones will whisper into the ears of the president of a super-power. The nation will be waiting with bated breathe as to know what will transpire in this closed door meetings between Obama and the select few.
And most anxious for answers will of course be pm Najib, de facto Anwar and the ever irrelevant but still super corrupted and frustrated MahaFiruan Tun, no ? Constitutional rights were compromised/hijacked by that MahaFiruan Tun and BN/ UMNO in the name of religion for too long. But the recalcitrant brownie will suddenly be overwhelmed with his selective "amnesia attack" escape clause, right ?
For too long, since 1982 onwards, this systemic implementation of policies ran foul against the basic rights of its citizens as in a right to peaceful assembly, human rights issues, religious freedom for minorities and the usage of the word Allah by Christians.
Now is also a good time for those UMNO inspired Perkasa and Isma to stage protest against this infidel pm of the US of A. Would they have the balls to do it ? Today Najib will also have to honestly address the likes and issues of Perkasa and Isma and a whole lot of shit that he thought would be kept a safe and privileged secret in Bolehland !
Long live Malaysia and all Malaysians everywhere !
Shalom !
1 comment:
Jackie Chan is my favourite actor. he is the best actor.
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