Thursday, June 12, 2014

Altered natives !

To start with the headlines should have read "Transgender Men shaved bald after arrest......" ( Transgender-a person appearing or attempting to be a member of the opposite sex, as a transexual or habitual cross-dresser.)...and these 16 plus 1 guys were gainfully employed as wedding planners. Looks like there's no place for these poor transgenders in Malaysia. 

Have you ever seen a transexual mat rempit ? So what can be so wrong as to exercise their right to cross-dress ? After all the report says 17 transgender "women" arrested, so how else were they supposed to be dressed, like men, surely no, right ? And to charge these 16 plus 1 minor RM950 each plus 7 days in jail under the Syariah Criminal Enactment is a gross miscarriage of justice ( see the rest of the story here )

I remember Hitler's Nazis shaved Jewish women bald to humiliate and brand them as out-cast during the Holocaust,and the NS Islamic department is no different today, right ? The department has no issues with the mega corruption in the state but come down hard on these 16 plus 1 minor cross-dressers like they committed mass murder ! Such hypocrisy in the name of religion is best shoved up high in a hole where the sun don't shine.    

But leaving all the rhetoric aside, I would attempt to say this is really a wrapped prejudice against an act of  God. Human Rights is a joke in Malaysia. Those holier then thou "arabised" camel fucking crack-pots in state religious departments pre-occupy themselves with petty issues like pig DNA in chocolates and confiscating bibles and snatching bodies in coffins but are blind to the rampant rape of the national coffers, corrupt dealings of politicians, raping of innocents, drugs and murder in the name of religion !

And these morons think religious rehabilitation is the right way. Wrong, you fools, civics in the education system is the right way, not religion !   


bruno said...

Stephen,these balless religious authorities are fake.Fucking bastards one can call them.Always preying on the helpless.Ask Marina Mahathir to stare them in the eyes and they will wet their pants.Or better still ask them to drop their pants and one cannot even see their dicks as they have shrank.

Unknown said...

If those religious idiots believe god created human beings, why are they defying "HIS" creation ?? Bastards !!!!