Sunday, September 26, 2010

"Tetap & Berpencen"

Is there such a thing as "permanent government officers" ? As far as I am concerned 'tetap dan berpencen' does not mean 'they are indispensable' and most especially servants of the government (read government as the rakyat or you and me) and even the PM or the DPM.

Remember the many DPM's that were sacked/removed/put to pasture by the great Pharaoh, who now is the self-appointed gate-keeper and guardian of Islam, and who dictated us for 22 damning years ? With this
"groping for excuses to justify" attitude from this DPM( read here ) no wonder we are and will always be at the mercy of our own servants. Servants whose salary is paid for by the blood, sweat and tears of the tax-paying citizenry.

And still without an iota of shame, he continues to say his hands were never tied but he has to observe laws and regulations and the Constitution. For God's sake Tan ARE the Education Minister and you have no clout to put your foot down ?? Does not this slur from the 2 go against all that your boss is advocating for in his 1something something slogan ?

Hello Mr. DPM, you also said
) "all discipline-related matters that involve senior civil servants should be based on administrative regulations and the Constitution, adding that any disciplinary action should be based on fairness and justice".................and then added “Any decision reached should be accepted as well as respected by all parties.”
And you want to convince us to accept that so far these 2 bigot school heads need not be disciplined and that we, the rakyat must accept and respect that decision ?

Very sorry, Sir, right now your decision and inaction is not accepted nor are you respected by the tax-paying rakyat.........think of the hurt, shame and insecurities that was inflicted on those young and tender how now Mr. Education Minister Tan Sri DPM....fair or not fair ?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So all TOP Civil Servants are untouchable…Is that what DPM is saying??

In Shot NO action will be taken Mah…Malaysia Boleh…1 Malaysia you forgotten ah Bro.. What a Joke this DPM is..

One of Most Stupid statement from our BN Government well done DPM keep it up..