Saturday, September 25, 2010

laugh tax anyone ?

Things are getting more and more even cartoonists have become a National threat !! What ever you do, don't ever ever ridicule or walk or even allow your shadow to be crossed on the wrong side of the PM or his wife. So this is how 1Malaysia works. ( here )

With the arrest and remand of Zulkiflee Anwar Ulhaque or better known as Zunar ( picture above) and being paraded around 7 police stations in and around KL and Selangor, nobody is allowed to have a good laugh anymore. And I stand in solemn solidarity with him. ( solemn is stressed- in the absence of humour !)

Ever wondered how our Lat has evaded prosecution all these years for being even more "hilariously more ruthless" in ridiculing the government ? Maybe the government of yesteryear's had a better sense of humour or just did not understand his brand of funnies to really press charges ?

Whatever it is, this has to mean the arrests ! This new IGP is no different then all others in the past....subservient to the ruling government's short fuse for freedom of speech especially if the joke is on BN or UMNO. But you can say or write anything against the Opposition no matter how serious it is and no one will lift a finger to press charges. The list of criticism is endless and aimed from the senile old ex-premier to Perkasa to racist heads of schools to a DPM with hands tied and from porno stars to "blown-away" Mongolian models. And critics are a dying breed !

With so much of "shit" churned out everyday by this government, the future looks so gloomy and a good laugh at the end of the day is surely a big welcome, but looks like all that has changed because soon laughter will become a luxury when the government impose a gag-tax on it and then only the rich can afford to pay and have a good laugh.....whilst the poor like me will die sulking ! So all you jokers out there.....stop your damn're slowly killing me !

Sighhhhhh !


Anonymous said...

Cartoons banned; certain tees pun tak boleh jual; gatherings of more than 3 persons can get one arrested; we are not allowed freedom to call God a 'certain' name unless one is a 'certain' race; there's even a female who's not allowed to be named, etc ....
Macam ini, mana Msia Boleh??

Dave Avran said...

No worries, bro. You can hire Indons, Banglas, Nepalis or Myamnars to laugh on your behalf.
Malaysia Boleh!!!

Anonymous said...

So how about LAT? Is he another Untoucheble...?


umar said...

Lat was given Datoship. He came up from NST, an UMNO outfit.He never a threat to BN.

Poor Zunar doesn't drink at all. He is pro PAS from day one. He has to run for his life when the authorities are angered by his jokes !
well,I beleive PAS has another candidate for the next election in him.
So much for freedom of press or voice. You are culpable of crime for expressing your thoughts in any form. Malaysia is heading to high income economy. High gear !
University students here get prosecuted for saying something sinister about somebody's wife.
So be careful, you can be prosecuted for your dreams too.

bennyloh said...