Friday, May 30, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Unsolved Mysteries !

God bless these and other children as my gut feeling says....."may their souls rest in peace" !
You have a good and sound sleep tonight !
Friday, May 23, 2008
shanghaifish is 2 today !
And thank you, dear visitors and commenters...that means YOU ! !
Guess it's still a toddler-blog, going through both good and bad and sometimes frustrating situations, from the first one-sentence post that went like this:-
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Probably the only recorded and printed dart term in the world !!
Shanghai fish was created in Malaysia.
And no, unlike the other more popular blogs, I won't reject "anonymous" commenter's just yet as using a "nick" still does not constitute a "real" person, right ? Just steer clear of vulgarities, racial and religious issues and NO political bashing and you're ok....I'll publish your comments ! Kapish ?
Cheers !!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Here In My Home - Malaysian Artistes For Unity
**courtesy of
it all started with one drunken Indian !

I really don't have to go into details as you, learned blog analysts, by now are well equipped with the latest news from other blogs, and have a fairly broad and open view or opinion on our political scenario, right ?
Vote of "no confidence", charges in courts, en-mass resignations, political blackmail, inciting racial hatred, revealing corrupt practices both in the Judiciary and elsewhere and party-hopping seems to be the order of the day and is certainly working well as great distractions from the real issues that begs the rakyat's attention !
For Anwar Ibrahim ( the hopeful PM-in-waiting and who, I'd be very cautious off !) all this is beginning to go according to his plans and to his advantage...... like rats running helter-skelter on the decks of a sinking ship !.....he should also keep in mind the age old saying... "never change horses( or is it donkeys ?) in mid-stream"......cos he'd only be "re-inventing the wheel" by importing old and lame asses (indoctrinated with their bigoted and corrupt "up-bringing" after being so long in a corrupt party !) into his stable and as I have also written in an earlier posting.
Where do we, the rakyat go from here..... and will we be still taken for a "pony" ride again ???
God bless Malaysia !
p.s. the hyena's back !
Friday, May 16, 2008
all for Brazilian beach volley-ball... say aye !

Take this latest on-going probe for instance ( here ) and tell me what you think of the integrity and quality of our pathetic local or national teams......and surprise....surprise... even the police team is involved !....hmmm...are you actually surprised ?? Come on, get real !
Corrupt officials breed corrupt players, and favoritism rules the day ! Match-fixing is the instant answer to attain "fake" glory and riches.Why sweat it, huh ? Bringing disrepute to sports itself....well who cares ? That's the Malaysian way !
Do we still need to fund these "sports" with tax-payers ringgits ? Of course you'd argue they have their own funds blah,blah...blah..but whichever way you look at it...the bottom-line is, it is still coming out from you, yes, you the tax-payer ! Think hard now !
Yes, we have fantastic stadiums, venues and fields, while our pampered players don the latest "state-of-the-art" boots, jerseys, sticks, what-nots and whatever and then you see the quality of performance....shit, seriously people it's sheer torture to watch them getting whipped/whacked/walloped by relatively unknown, poor, third-world and war-ravaged countries like Laos, Cambodia or Uzbekistan.
Therefore I hereby vehemently vote we scrape these "sports" entirely and watch bikini-clad beach volley-ball from Brazil on the telly everyday and save the nation a whole lot of money !! Now wouldn't that be absolutely better !!!....right ! Cheers and have a great week-end !

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Our very own Gulag ?
* May 7: Too Hui Min, 18, passed away three days after complaining of constipation.
* April 16: Afiq Zuhairi, 18, died after a brief febrile illness. He was said to have been treated by camp paramedics several times before being transferred to hospital where he died in less than 24 hours.
* Jan 18: Ili Ameera Azlan, 17, attached to the Ayer Keroh, Melaka camp, after suffering breathing difficulties
* March 1: P. Prema from Kajang, Selangor, attached to the Kisana Beach Resort Camp, Kelantan, found unconscious in a toilet at Jeram Linang at 2.30am. She was taken to the
* Sept 3: Mohd Rafi Ameer, 18, died at 10.30pm after having fever for 1 week. Rafi called his sister to tell her that he had fever and that his leg had been swollen for nearly a week after he fell during training. His death was the 20th since National Service started in 2004.
2006: records available ???????????
* May 14: Nurul Ashikin Karino, 17, died at the Han Sui, Tawau,
* June 11: S. Theresa Pauline, 17, attached to the Karisma Camp, Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan. She was admitted to the hospital on May 23 after having fits. Her death was attributed to viral meningoencephaliti.
* April 25: Awang Mohd Fazil Awang Borhan, 17, was attached to the Simalajau Camp, Bintulu,
* May 9: T. Saravanan, 18, attached to the South Kelantan Development Authority's (Kesedar) Ethnobotany camp. The trainee from 1614A Hospital Quarters, Taiping, Perak drowned while picnicking at Sungai Taman Wangi, Gua Musang, about 3 kilometres from his camp, with 250 trainees and 10 trainers.
And you, as a parent must willingly send your child off ('s a National call to serve the nation !) to our very own Gulag or Auschwitz systems or be dragged and damned in our courts.
So who IS responsible for your child ? Who "benefits" from all this, do you as a parent, the child ( if returns alive), the government, the operators ( connected to the government) of the camp, the contractors who have a new found lively hood to supply essentials/transport/uniforms/food et cetera to these numerous camps all over the country, and a host of other closely "domino- linked" cronies ?????
The names are of real children, and the numbers too are for real and still counting ! Think "tax-ringgits" folks ! Think !!
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Vigil for RPK.... Pt.2
Vigil for RPK

Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Where's my *%$#@*&^+! shoes ??

Yes...... somebody stole my shoes this morning and I'm literally hopping bare-feet mad !!...see this must have happened between 4.30am. (that's the time I got back home after a supper of "roti banjir special" with TV Smith, Arnaz and SB Loy) and 6.30 this morning.
I'm pissed too, with the knowledge that somebody actually scaled my fence, breached the sanctity of my compound and took his/their time to take not 1 but 2 pairs of my "not expensive" but comfortable old shoes, from the shoe cabinet, away with them !
I'm pissed too that the local police were missing from their scheduled rounds in and around my neighbour-hood for a long time now and this sheer laziness or bad governance on their part as guardians of tax-paying citizens, inspires and encourages these opportunists or burglars/thieves/rogues the cheek and confidence to go about happily " house-hopping and taking anything of value" away with them !! I should know as I usually return home around the ghostly hours daily !
And this has been going on for the last 4 years in my neighbour-hood, despite my constant nagging and bugging with the a point that they can instantly recognise my cell phone number and address me by name ! ( if you care to read my many earlier postings regarding my "brushes" with cops !)
When will all this end ? Do I have to forever make these calls to them advising/ suggesting that they are "no good" cruising in a patrol car in residential areas but instead be more effective on motor-cycles and in pairs patrolling not just on the main road but into back-alleys and side-lanes too and to stop, check and question anyone in motion at that hour as their ID too will surely not reflect an address belonging to my neighbour-hood ? Hardly anyone has a good reason to be out that late/early, more so, as I know my neighbour-hood is pretty quiet after midnight !
But no sireee, they won't even consider taking constructive advise/ suggestions from mere mortals like me !...hmmmm, how could they and why should they ?? But one thing is for sure about our men-in-blue..... they are perpetually hungry, hence the corner "mamak" stall is where they "hang-out" for the better part of their shift !
And about the coffee part.....well that's another story for another day !
And in the words of pasquale...."No cheers today" !!
Monday, May 05, 2008
RPK @ the Magistrate Court.
In the meantime he declined to post bail and will spend some time in the Sungei Buloh detention camp from today, until the public raise the funds to post bail. He is represented by 7 lawyers of which 4 are Members of Parliament.
Hmmmm.....interesting days ahead folks.....interesting days indeed !!!
**UPDATES- 6-May 2008 @11am. RPK's case this morning has SUDDENLY been transferred to the Petaling Jaya court as of now, for reasons only the powers-that-be know....sigh !
RPK has been told to appear at the Magistrate Court tomorrow morning at 9.30 am. where he is expected to be charged for sedition over the recent posting on the "Altantuya case" on his Malaysia Today blog-site.
Here we go again !

Only in Malaysia we have this "so called" intellects spewing this kinda rubbish !
Take a cue from all foreign consulates the world over and learn, there's nothing to be ashamed of, to borrow ideas and knowledge if it so benefits your ministry ......or is it plain "bodoh sombong" ??
Saturday, May 03, 2008
and on the Altantuya trail...
* word of advice: for uninterrupted viewing first click on the screen and let it buffer-up(red-line) for 05:41 minutes ( patience pays...) and then with the volume-up enjoy the flick !
Friday, May 02, 2008
to see or not to see !
of this very famous one....
or this shocking "kick-off" incident !
Now you understand why they don't want us to study the behaviours of our elected "monkeys'-in-suits".....why ? Shy......maybe !