Saturday, July 05, 2008

Show me the proof damnit ! Not mere lip-service please ! I'm tired and confused of all that is happening in my country and don't know who or what to believe in anymore !

Sheeesh !....No cheers today !!


Mat Salo said...

Brader SS,

Definitely in agreement here. Am sick of the lying, conniving, innuendos, counter-rumors, and the rest of the shit that makes us a laughing stock. Yes, we're all sick of it. Can we bring back the sane Malaysia we used to know? Actually bro, the sane Malaysia we use to know and love has passed us by, because they ended in the late 60s and late 70s. And then Islamization (of the non-desirable type) started creeping in and worse, racism soon followed. I think you know what I mean. Take care bro' and I promise next time we meet up let's do some 'cheering', eh?

Unknown said...

U r quite right! Many of us r so sick and tired of all the talk, accusation, denials, whatever. Messing up our country and confusing simple citizens like me.

Unknown said...

U r quite right! Many of us r so sick and tired of all the talk, accusation, denials, whatever. Messing up our country and confusing simple citizens like me.

zorro said...

So what do you guys plan to do, besides ranting? Ranting never cures, it enlarges your ulcers. How do we preserve food....we pickle them, right? Let's soak in malts brudders.

Anonymous said...

We're at the height of this politicking, unprecedented media attention and mud throwing. Anwar should be guilty for most, if not all of it. Everytime he talks about having evindence to implicate one person or another we get our hopes up..and then...nothing...and before we know it, another story..