Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Lean times ahead !

I received this in my email from an anonymous reader and I reproduce what and where, I believe, we as Malaysians could have saved over the years ! I honestly hope someone can verify if these figures are correct and true ! Tell me this is not true and it is not too late ? Simply mind-boggling to say the least ! Phew !!.......read on,

1.The Bank Bumiputra twin scandals in the early 1980s saw US$1 billion (RM3.2 billion in 2008 ringgit)
2.The Maminco attempt to corner the world tin market in the 1980s is believed to have cost some US$500 million. (RM1.6 billion)
3.Betting in foreign exchange futures cost Bank Negara Malaysia RM30 billion in the 1990s.
4.Perwaja Steel resulted in losses of US$800 million (RM2.56 billion). Eric Chia, was charged with corruption for allegedly steering US$20 million (RM64 million) to a Hong Kong-based company
5.Use of RM10 billion public funds in the Valuecap Sdn. Bhd. operation to shore up the stock market
6.Banking scandal of RM700 million losses in Bank Islam
7.The sale of M.V. Agusta for one Euro
8.Wang Ehsan from oil royalty on Terengganu RM7.4 billion from 2004 – 2007
9.For the past 10 years since Philharmonic Orchestra was established, this orchestra has swallowed a total of RM500 million
10.In Advisors Fees, Mahathir was paid RM180,000, Shahrizat Abdul Jalil (women and social development affairs) RM404,726 and Abdul Hamid Othman (religious) RM549,675 per annum
11.The government has spent a total of RM3.2 billion in teaching Maths and Science in English over the past five years. Out of the amount, the government paid a whopping RM2.21 billion for the purchase of information and computer technology (ICT) equipments which it is unable to give a breakdown.
12.The commission paid for purchase of Jets and Submarines to two private companies amounted to RM910 million.
13.RM100 million bill to compensate Gerbang Perdana for the RM1.1 billion "Crooked Scenic Half-Bridge"
14.RM1.3 billion have been wasted building the white elephant Customs, Immigration and Quarantine (CIQ) facilities on cancellation of the Malaysia-Singapore scenic bridge
15.RM 100 million on renovation of Parliament building and leaks
16.National Astronaut Programme - RM 40 million
17.National Service Training Programme - yearly an estimate of RM 500 million
18.Eye on Malaysia -RM 30 million and another RM5.7 million of free ticket
19.RM 4.63 billion, 'soft-loan' to PKFZ
20.RM 2.4 million on indelible ink
21.Samy announced in September 2006 that the government paid compensation amounting to RM 38.5 billion to the highway companies. RM 380 million windfalls for 9 toll concessionaires earned solely from the toll hike in 2008 alone.
22.RM32 million timber export kickbacks involving companies connected to Sarawak Chief Minister, Tan Sri Taib Mahmud and his family
Bailouts -
23.Two bailouts of Malaysia Airline System RM7.9 billion
24.Putra transport system, which cost RM4.486 billion;
25.STAR-LRT bailout costing RM3.256 billion;
26.National Sewerage System costing RM192.54 million;
27.Seremban-Port Dickson Highway costing RM142 million;
28.Kuching Prison costing RM135 million; and
29.Kajian Makanan dan Gunaan Orang Islam costing RM8.3 million.
30.Le Tour de Langkawi costing RM 3.5 Million
31.Wholesale distribution of tens of millions of shares in Bursa Malaysia to cronies, children and relatives of BN leaders and Ministers worth billions of ringgits.
32.APs scandal had been going on year-after-year going back for more than three decades, involving a total mind-boggling sum of tens of billions of ringgits
33.Alienation of tens of thousands of hectares of commercial lands and forestry concessions to children and relatives of BN leaders and Ministers worth tens of billions of ringgits
34.Wastages and forward trading of Petronas in the 1990s based on the low price of oil then. Since the accounts of Petronas are for the eyes of Prime Minister only we have no idea of the amount. Whatever amount, you bet it is COLLOSSAL!

In Time Asia magazine issue on March 15 2004, South East Asian economist at Morgan Stanley in Singapore Daniel Lian, figures "that the country may have lost as much as U$$100 billion (RM320 billion) since the early 1980s to corruption."

Reading the above again got my head spinning, sheeesh !........need a stiff drink to numb my jittery nerves. So this is Malaysian culture huh ?

God help Malaysia !


Malaysian Joe said...

Space tourist program so cheap only? 40mil? x 2.. since we are sending the second one... and probably conferred grandfather-ship as well.

Distribute this for the next GE today and I think......

GobloKing said...


Why would we kira those little bits of money conned and mismanaged?

That is the past. Moving forward...I WANT A FORWARD. I want a FUTURE

I am a true blue Asian.
Corruption is only corruption when one does not perform


Anonymous said...

this is depression inducing if it is true. What's worse is instead of channeling our energy to REAL issues like these, we're watching the quest of one man to be the PM..at any cost.

Anonymous said...


this is what happened when monkeys run the country.

Anonymous said...

The more I read the more depresseing it gets living in this God-forsaken country. How can ONE man topple the govt! He who lives on hope dies starving.

A.John said...

What corruption ? That was affirmative action to increase the number of Bumi millionaires ! this comes under the National Giveaway Policy i.e NGA.. As the targets have not been reached ( target : 1 Bumi millionaire per square mile in Malaysia ); it is envisaged NGA to continue for many years to come!

Anonymous said...


read this lah ppl...

Shanghai Fish said...

anon of 3:01pm,
link not available....help !

Anonymous said...

from anon 3.01pm - this one, i cut paste this time. i tried, it is available. sorry u cd not get it.

Akuan bersumpah: Notis Karpal panggil lima saksi termasuk Bala, Najib ditolak
23-07-2008 09:59:45 PM
(Dikemas kini) SHAH ALAM: Mahkamah Tinggi di sini hari ini menolak semua permohonan yang dikemukakan oleh peguam Karpal Singh, yang bertindak sebagai peguam pemerhati keluarga Altantuya Shaariibuu (gambar) dan kerajaan Mongolia, termasuk memanggil semula penyiasat persendirian P. Balasubramaniam (gambar) untuk memberikan keterangan dalam perbicaraan kes bunuh wanita Mongolia itu.

Hakim Datuk Mohd Zaki Md Yasin juga menolak permohonan untuk memanggil Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, timbalan superintendan polis Musa Safri, peguam Dhiren Rene Norendra dan seorang pegawai polis yang hanya dikenal pasti sebagai timbalan superintendan polis Idris untuk memberikan keterangan.

"Seksyen 425 Kanun Acara Jenayah (CPC) terbahagi kepada dua bahagian. Bahagian pertama ialah budi bicara, (dan) boleh dibuat menerusi permohonan. Bahagian kedua ialah amat mustahak, apabila mahkamah berpendapat ia penting kepada keadilan kes. Mengikut bahagian pertama ia perlu melalui permohonan oleh pihakpihak dalam perbicaraan," kata Mohd Zaki.

Pada 21 Julai, Karpal memfailkan notis usul untuk memanggil Najib dan tiga yang lain bagi memberikan keterangan dan memanggil semula Balasubramaniam, yang merupakan saksi pertama pendakwaan, dalam perbicaraan bunuh itu.

Terdahulu, Karpal berhujah keluarga Altantuya mempunyai hak untuk memastikan keadilan dilaksanakan dalam kes itu dan mustahak permohonan itu didengar dan diputuskan.

"Demi kepentingan keadilan, TPP (Timbalan Pendakwa Raya) patut menyokong permohonan ini," kata Karpal.

TPP Tun Abd Majid Tun Hamzah berkata, mangsa (Altantuya) tidak mempunyai locus standi dan dua akuan bersumpah itu berupa dengar cakap.

Beliau juga membantah permohonan itu.

Peguam Kamarul Hisham, yang mewakili tertuduh Kpl Sirul Azhar Umar berkata, mengikut undang-undang common law Inggeris, pendakwa raya mempunyai kuasa untuk menentukan saksi yang akan dipanggil untuk memberikan keterangan.

"Perkara ini telah diperakui oleh mahkamah tertinggi kita. Siapa yang menentukan saksi mana yang akan dipanggil sentiasa ditentukan oleh TPP. Di sini TPP tidak menyokong permohonan ini," katanya.

Sementara itu, peguam Wong Kian Kheong yang mewakili Abdul Razak Abdullah Baginda yang dituduh bersubahat dalam pembunuhan itu, berkata permohonan itu bukan pendakwaan peribadi.

skyta (史開達) said...

You fail to mention the amount of taxpayers money that has gone into the Proton car project.

Anonymous said...

compensation for teh crooked bridge was more like RM300 million. This is more than the profit that could be generated if constrcutio of the bridge went ahead.

by the way, its halal to sodomise the rakyat. While the very same people are fabricating sodomy charges against Anwar. i guess when it comes to political power, what is halal or haram doesnt matter anymore. Bunch of hypocrites.