Thursday, November 06, 2008

" anybody can be a prime minister"

Surely my holy Prime Minister must be joking....erhhh..with his "now anybody can be a prime minister" quip...right ?.... it sounds so corny, like some airline tag-line...?

What a load of crap, Pak Lah....we cannot even get the various people of our small country Malaysia together, let alone the people within UMNO and the much politically divided malay populace without first deliberately fanning the race issues with the infamous "kekuatan melayu" monologue ! So stop it....we are not morons to swallow this kind of rhetoric's, my good and out-going Prime Minister! .....peleeeaze !

Think it's fashionable to parrot such cliche's just to appease the now new and first black president-elect of the US just to show how democratic and united we Malaysians are and slowly worm into their good books ?? (read here)

Get real Mr. Prime Minister.... you don't need to please the Americans, sir, just please your people, your citizens first !.... The world has witnessed the many unconstitutional instances you and your predecessor inflicted on innocent citizens who you
and your predecessor felt "were a threat to the nation" and subsequently detained for, and in your current Home Ministers words "their own safety" and the numerous times you and your predecessor sent out your chemical-laced water cannons to intimidate, disperse and arrest, peacefully assembled tax-paying and candle-carrying citizens of all ages, gender and race while a silent majority prayed, for the last 26 years,.....remember the ISA, sir ??

We as a nation and as a A1 priority, must first do away with the race issues that glaringly affects and demonises the ordinary people on a daily basis, with the policies of the government which so dearly exercises and labels us as per our race/identity in all dealings and in all levels of our public sectors.....that alone is reason enough to create us, your people of civil society, a divided why the bull-shit now ?

With this mind-set of governance, to have a prime minister of "anybody" would be a fool's dream and definitely I assume not in my lifetime too !

Have a pleasant retirement sir and God bless you and your family !


zorro said...

He is mumbling in death thores.

Anonymous said...

PM nyanyuk la... so he is in another planet


Shanghai Fish said...

nstman,( don't know which one you are as you have far too many clones polluting cyberspace!!!)
unless you write minus the explitives your comment won't see the light of day on my blog. Surf's up for you bro....whoever you are.
Cheers !

Shanghai Fish said...

nstman,( don't know which one you are as you have far too many clones polluting cyberspace!!!)
unless you write minus the explitives your comment won't see the light of day on my blog. Surf's up for you bro....whoever you are.
Cheers !

Shanghai Fish said...

nstman,( don't know which one you are as you have far too many clones polluting cyberspace!!!)
unless you write minus the explitives your comment won't see the light of day on my blog. Surf's up for you bro....whoever you are.
Cheers !

Shanghai Fish said...

nstman,( don't know which one you are as you have far too many clones polluting cyberspace!!!)
unless you write minus the explitives your comment won't see the light of day on my blog. Surf's up for you bro....whoever you are.
Cheers !

Anonymous said...

Unrelated – Stephen, may I ask if in your area the BEC leader have to get a police permit for “Christmas Carols” sung from house to house during Advent ?
Over here, we go around the blocks for 4 days the maximum in a group of 20 ie., children and adults, dressed like Santa, carry a guitar and other smaller musical instruments. Never have loud speakers. How much of noise can we be making ? The police had last year asked for list of the Christmas songs, not enough that they want the lyrics also. Is this fair ? And the Government is calling USA racist !!

Yellow Rose of Texas

Shanghai Fish said...

sorry folks -moderating from my hand-phone somehow created repetitive comments(cannot figure out how to delete copies as there is no delete-icon beside my reply..Apologies!

GobloKing said...

I dun even know why the world make such a fuss with Obama being 1st Mulatto Pressie of USA where HERE in Msia we are TREND SETTERS!!!

For once I AGREE with Bodoh.

Because Folks! IF he can be PM ANYONE can be PM!! Obama?? so yesterday news man!!!

We also are the first & only country where NONE of our PM has been 100% Malay. Think about it!

pistolair said...

Mukhriz Lantang Biadap, Bodoh Macam George W Bush ~ Malaysiakini

Dalam wawancara bersama akhbar The Star yang dipaparkan hari ini, Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir mengeluarkan beberapa kenyataan yang tampak agak janggal. Barangkali sungguhpun menjadi anak Tun Dr Mahathir, Mukhriz belum cukup ilmu politik kerana sesetengah keterangan dan jawapannya menonjolkan seorang yang kurang matang dalam pemikiran dan rumusan terhadap sesuatu fenomena mudah, inikan kebijakan politik mahupun intelek untuk memimpin pergerakan Pemuda UMNO Malaysia.
Pertama sekali, Mukhriz menyatakan bahawa orang yang memberi wang atas namanya sebenarnya bukan ejennya, cuma orang yang mahu memburuk-burukkan namanya. Masya Allah, kamu ingat bodoh sangatkah kita ni Mukhriz? Di Ipoh Timur di mana Khir Toyo berjaya mendapat pencalonan KP Malaysia, Tun Amar (adik kepada Tun Faisal, antara penyokong Mukhriz yang kalah di Putrajaya kepada Dato’ Zaki Zahid) telah memberi ‘peluru’ kepada para perwakilan, tetapi malang buat Mukhriz, peluru Khir lebih hebat.
Dan di Tanah Merah, ejen utama Mukhriz, Sazmi Miah berbuat sepertimana Tun Amar di Ipoh Timur dan berjaya mendapatkan pencalonan untuk Mukhriz. Mukhriz adalah anak Mahathir, darah daging Mahathir, dibesarkan oleh Mahathir, dan ramai memberi sokongan kepadanya pun sebab Mahathir. Dan Mahathir inilah bapa kepada politik wang UMNO. Manakan logik Mukhriz ini bersih?
Yang peliknya, Mukhriz berani mencabar sesiapa sahaja membuktikan bahawa dia ada terlibat dengan politik wang dan jika terbukti beliau akan menarik diri. Wah, lantang sungguh. Tapi lantang yang angkuh dan biadap. Umum mengetahui politik wang memang wujud dalam parti UMNO, tetapi memang amat sukar membuktikannya kerana calon akan menggunakan proksi atau ejen untuk menghulurkan rasuah kepada para perwakilan. Maka sebab itulah Mukhriz berani berkata sebegitu. Yang selamat dia berani lah, isu yang ada risiko sedikit kepadanya, Mukhriz tidak berani - debat pun tak berani! Slogan Mukhriz wajar diubah dari Berani Berubah kepada Berani Bertempat.
Kenyataan janggal kedua dalam wawancara adalah apabila Mukhriz berkata bahawa jika beliau kalah di Mac nanti, maka suara akar umbi tidak akan tercapai kerana “jelas sekali akar umbi memang nakkan saya, ”. Mentang-mentang mendahului pencalonan, Mukhriz sudah cukup bongkak. Kini Khairy sudah 52 pencalonan, dan Khir Toyo 62 pencalonan, adakah bagi Mukhriz lebih seratus bahagian yang tidak mencalonkannya bukan merupakan ‘akar umbi’? Mengapa Mukhriz begitu sombong cuba mengatakan beliaulah suara sebenar akar umbi?
Dan jika pun orang yang mendahului pencalonan itu adalah suara sebenar akar umbi, Mukhriz sendiri mengakui bahawa ada orang yang memberi rasuah atas namanya. Jadi sudah pasti kalau pun orang-orang tersebut bukan ejen Mukhriz - yang memang kita tak percaya - keputusan para perwakilan di peringkat Bahagian sudah dicacatkan dengan politik wang atas nama Mukhriz Mahathir. Jadi, apa maksud kau Mukhriz?
Mukhriz perlu banyak belajar lagi. Sudah lah SPM dulu Gred 3, hujah dan pemikirannya seakan-akan budak sekolah. Hujah yang tak konsisten, yang tidak masuk akal dan tidak selari antara satu sama lain wajar merisaukan para perwakilan. Ketua Pemuda UMNO sekarang ini perlu hebat dan bijak, bukan yang penakut dan kelam kabut. Tapi bagi kami seronok pula baca wawancara Mukhriz ini - macam seronok tengok George W Bush sebab kelakar.
Tempoh hari, Mukhriz ada ditanya soalan “Apakah pencapaian anda yang boleh dibanggakan?” Jawapannya, “Saya ada kilang fiber optik; semua fiber optik di Malaysia ini kilang saya punya”. Sudah la jawapan itu tidak ada kena mengena dengan perjuangan politik Pemuda, jawapan Mukhriz itu juga ‘mengkantoikan’ dirinya sendiri. Sebab bapak kau PM dulu la kau dapat monopoli bisnes macam tu! Kah kah kah.

Anonymous said...

Gobloking??? What you saying???
We also are the first & only country where NONE of our PM has been 100% Malay. Think about it!

Is there more than ONE country in this world where there are 100% Malays holding office in government?

If there is, tell me please. I'll move there tomorrow.

Think about it, then think again.