How many of you out there have been victims of mugging at knife-point or have had your bags snatched by motor-bike riding "rempits" ? Next question....have you had your stolen items or snatched bags returned by any so called "cekap, amanah & bersih"( steadfast, fair & clean ) investigating officer of your report of the same ?
Well except for this young and plucky vigilante things have been different. She not only got back her stolen items from the snatch thief and at the same time also metted out punishment on the perpetrator ! I call it "Justice Served" and she did right !! ( read here )
These scum-bag snatch thieves have become bolder and more ruthless attacking almost anyone regardless of gender, age or race ! They seem to be having a "party- time" in the streets of all big cities for far too long and the crime rate in our country is only keeping on par with our rising costs of all essential items, well..... I'd guess maybe more, yes ?
But what has been done to curb this menace by our boys-in-blue, huh? For a few happy days about 2 months ago, I saw policemen and women patrolling on foot and waiting at strategic junctions in my "taman" and I was delighted, honestly delighted......but alas....it was over just as soon as it started. Everything is as like one commenter said "hangat hangat tahi ayam" or "hot hot chicken shit " !
What happened to the foot-patrol, Mr. IGP ? Not enough man-power suddenly ? Just pleasing and biding your "masters" will to the over-rated and pathetic 1Malaysia call ? Why start something and then let it fizzle-out when the "heat" from public ( meaning tax-payers) anger is cooled-off ?
Roadblocks are aplenty these days and are placed always at "blind" corners....almost every night after 1am. ....but they are not there to weed-out these thieving wolves on wheelies but to dampen the "headiness" of celebrating tax-payers spirits in cars ! They don't check for any bad-hats....cos first thing they do is poke their heads into your car to "smell" alcohol, then shove the breathalyser into your mouth ! Then, correct me if I am wrong.......the "negotiations" begin !
I have seen motor-cyclists making abrupt u-turns on main carriage-ways and riding head-long of on-coming cars just to escape these road-blocks. Shouldn't a few policemen on bikes be discreetly posted a few hundred meters before the road-blocks to nab these offending fiends. Surely anyone who does a u-turn before a road-block is an offender of some law, am I right ???
I could go on and on....but I have to save them for another day.....but in the meantime, I say "thank you" to this gutsy woman who put her own life in danger to save this bastard snatch thief from causing much pain and trauma to scores of other victims in the future, had he escaped from colliding into her MyVi ! Perhaps she should get a medal for "gallantry" or the PDRM should reward her with cash or at least pay for her damaged car
Kudos to you girl, whoever you are !
You have blogged dangerously about a subject you are not well versed in , vigilante killing ! Are you up to it Mr Shanghai Fish ? so far that I know you are just aother fool hardy layman aka a zorro wannabe .Or is your hatred of the Police making you mad ?
Were you drunk when you posted this ?
Haha !
still not yet drunk
anon above,
go try and tell the hundreds if not thousands who have been mugged and robbed and attacked and have died ( some forever maimed, (here you talk to their families !) by these senseless acts by these shitheads who terrorise the streets ! Do you know the trauma and fear one feels thereafter at the sight of anyone approaching the victims post-robbery ? (including ME !)
I did not say go out there and kill anyone....this was an accident and I feel no remorse for that bastard who spooked and stole the female driver's bag !
And what's with you comparing me with such popular bloggers huh ?....please don't....I'm just a minnow blogger with clear hopes and wishes for the safety of my wife and kid and their future. You have any of your own ? I may be a fool...but am a hard-layman.Get my drift or is that way beyond you to comprehend ??
So be a man with a name and come over for a drink...anytime...I'm buying ! btw and as a matter of fact I am right now on my 3 mug !aaaahhhhh ! Cheers !
i agree with anon ,this is going to make things worse.
hey anon 9:20am, What a crap of chicken shit you are! After hearing Mr. Shang's explaination still cannot accept his views and now come in here again as 3party anon, to justify the 1st morons comment. Geez real thick lah both or is it just one of you!
I hope they don't harass or arrest the poor lady. The mat rempit was an indian youth. He would have died in police custody had he been caught alive. If he was caught and brought to court, he would walk free anyway after some smart lawyer defending him.How can we;the public and police combat crime to protect our families while the lawyers are protecting this criminals to their teeth ?
Bro, you are critical of Consumer crusader CAP, PDRM and all sundry BN government. Why are you silent when it comes to lawyers who defend crooks who endanger our lives ? Sure you know which side of your bread is buttered..pls no offence to anyone.
I believe our constitution clearly provides for the rights of an individual when voilated, the right to a lawyer and be heard in a court of law, and lawyers are private professionals. They don't have access (unless you are in the "correct" league) to tax-payers or public funds to enrich themselves. Unlike the likes of government "servants" be they the BN or PR governments. It's all about good governance and protecting the citizens with safe passage and safe neighbourhood on a daily basis. These people survive and live-off on public funds lah...so they must WORK for US, yes ?
Do you really know who funds the CAP ? Please check. And umar....it's not about "just" whacking anyone who's in the government or the PDRM. Can you take critism constructively and see where changes can be made for the better good of all ?
Have a nice day sir.
umar again,
oh I forgot to add above....This is not a "race" issue, bro. Mat rempit of any race must be punished. We must stop this highlighting of the perpetrator's race ! This scumbag stole and the unfortunate end he met was punishment enough. Be color-blind ! So let's not play the race card over and over to stir emotions, ok umar ? Let anyone of any race who does what that "INDIAN" did meet unfortunate ends. Cheers !
She did the right thing. But in law, it is considered as causing death or some other murder charge.
Just like bashing the intruder ransacking your home. It's assault and battery.
So much for the law.
But when the police go about with their 'shoot first' policy, all the hue and cry come into play.
The police in general, prefer the simple jobs. Issuing summons for petty things eg parking outside a bank or stupid speed traps meant for cars of the fifties.
The police should focus more on training plain clothed personnel to chase thieves and shoot them. They have my vote for this, but not for the silly summons.
hey guys,
The above comments are greek to me. And looks like some lively conversations between 1 or 2 or 3 persons commenting in chinese. Help ! I am not of Chinese origins neither can I read the language. Care to translate for everyone's benefit ? Or is this just gibberish ??
or I was told it is Japanese writing by my daughter.
Help !
u should see this [url=http://tinyurl.com/884044251]Wonderfull.[/url]
Help me you just click and i get 1 more pic
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