Even if it is a weak attempt for damage control coming from one who himself was in the middle of a controversies ..... I think it is good and I must agree with Nazri just this one time ! (read here and here )
Hey...for the great Tun who was instrumental in creating this monster "racist" module called BTN and to talk about history now is so "1989", man. He fashioned this BTN curriculum in the guise of patriotism of only Malays and not all Malaysians who were born here and to still hang on to the "Tanah Melayu" and the "ketuanan Melayu" is so totally passe' ! He said that when the history of Malaysia was discussed during the BTN courses , it would be mentioned that the country was once called "Tanah Melayu" !
Now what about the Orang Asli and the natives of Sabah and Sarawak ? Will they be rejected as Malaysians if they demanded otherwise ? Why stop at "Tanah Melayu" ....why not go back ( here ) in history up to Langkasuka, Chola and Srivijaya eras ?? Are these ethnic natives not the original sons of the soil ? Is it not "tanah asli" ? It is easy now for the retired Tun who in his time did his fair share of damage for 22 years in pitting each race with the "us" and "them" split and successfully kept this country on the brink of civil strife where unity was concerned, yes ? Reminders of May 13 is still vivid in everyone minds....thanks to the propaganda churned out before every general election !
Why do these participants need a lesson in "history" in these camps, anyways ? Are they such fools who have been taught wrong in schools ? Of course "history" as we know is always in the clutches of the ruling party....and in theirs alone to manipulate and distort as they please, right ?
So Nazri, for once you are right to tell all "racists" to back-off....and if there's a glimmer of hope yet left for you !
Yes, Nazri, this is the correct attitude and principle for multi racial Malaysia.
At least Nazri is man enough to admit something is rotten in the state of Malaysia. Whatever his motives are, we give him the benefit of the doubt. Are malaysians ready for a sea change? not likely. But my advice to the advocates of Ketuanan Melayu is simple: Times have changed. Dont frighten us with the spectre of May 13. You will get burnt. You try something stupid, all of us, repeat ALL Of US, will go to the dogs. Got it? Dont forget, we are living in an amorphous world, a world without borders. Malaysia dont have many chances. Got it?
What is that mamak "Kutty" mfucker want now...somebody tell him his is totally irrelevent now lah..that bustard after raping us fuull scale still living in denial lah. He will rot for his sins against all non malays. No shame man his sly kutty bustard. ptuiiii!
orang asli
Forget about tanah mealyu, there's no more tanah melayu. Tanah melayu was given away to the colonial master by the various monarch, remember?? Luckily you were able to get back the country with the help of the various races that made up of Malaysia!! Also, remember that once you had given something to someone else and if it happen that you were lucky enough to get back what you had given out, what you receive will never be the same again. That's the fact of life.
What was Malaya's name before the British came i.e. before the British pushed "Tanah Melayu"?
This land was known by the Prophet (pbuh)himself as Tana China similar to Nilai where we can buy Chinese and Indon goods. Malaya was a place where one could get Chinese goods without goin to China. A great ancient Dubai, a fantastic trading place/nation.
Check history, one will find that Malaya was known for the longest time as Malacca by Arabs, and Europeans (Portugese & Dutch).
By the way, before the Cholas, there were several Indian Kingdom's in Kedah. Historically before 200BC, there was a Hindu Kingdom that exported "purple" cloth i.e. white cloth dyed in purple from a dye extracted from a plant that was found in Kedah.
The Indians called this nation "Malai" land i.e. the land of Hills (Banjaran Tengah, etc). Eventually the stupid Brits called this Tanah Malaiu, whilst the Javanese called this the land of "runners" or refugees.
Anyway, Malaysia had had an Indian as its Prime Minister for 22 years. He even confirmed his race on Al Jazeera. So what's the big deal.
Forget race, get rid of poverty. I am disgusted when I visit Trengganu, Kelantan and even Pahang. Infrastructure is so backward. The party in power has violated its mandate to the people of those states. I apologize as I have not gone to Sabah or Sarawak, so I cannot comment on the conditions there.
The Bells are toiling in Trengganu, Kelantan & Pahang. Be very aware, BEWARE.
One thing i learn
Only TRUE racists call others racist...akin to pot calling kettle black
Thanks guys for showing your TRUE COLORS!!!
Puzzling. On one hand they call Mahathir a Mamak or Kutty. But he does not campaign for the mamaks, does he? He will never agree to promote Football amongst mamaks, because 'give them a corner, they will open a teh tarik stall'.
So what's wrong if a Mamak defends other races?
By the way, this is one way to keep Najib busy and stay home more often. Surprisingly, both numero uno and number two are abroad and the country is on auto pilot?
very touchy subject here.
don't get emotional. history is history.
everyone is a racist. a matter of degree. not a bad thing if you don't have prejudices.
anyway...your own commenters are showing their true colours.
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