From the deepest desires often come the deadliest hate...Socrates
That's what Perkasa stands for, a desire to stir up the emotions of the much politically divided Malays to unite as one and hate all others who are not like-minded ! An extended and cleverly disguised set-up within UMNO to counter Najib's failed 1Malaysia and to claim and return all Malays back to the UMNO fold. Like as if UMNO has the solution to all problems facing the Malays. I grew up with all, Malays, Chinese, Indians and others. Nobody in our neighbourhood ever directed our attention to the colour, race or religion of the other neighbourhood kids we played, ate and slept with !
Using the euphoric drama of malay "rights and privileges robbed" excuse( btw...does anybody give a flying fcuk to the rights of the original Orang Asli and all other indigenous natives plight in this here their own land ?), these bunch of self-serving politicians would stop at nothing to create a feeling of guilt and betrayal to their own kin if one fellow Malay criticised or spoke against another Malay. And a quick look at these ring-leaders' back-ground speaks volumes for itself !
Why is there so much hate and insecurity ? To quote a known moron..."maybe they were buggered by the village head-man when they were little or their parents must have dropped them head-down when they were babies "
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