Did you know we have the most wonderful and caring Prime Minister in the world ?
Yes....our PM Najib is so caring and I am so touched by his gesture in announcing the immediately abolishment of import duty on GOLF BUGGIES !!! (read here )
Can you beat that ?....you poor country bumpkins who have never had a chance to step onto a golf course much less play the game, should be thrilled by this announcement ? Why the generous offer to these 200 odd golf clubs in the country where membership is definitely an elite and affluent strata of our society where mostly cigar chomping and bubbly sipping freaking millionaires or even billionaires speak with a twang about having tea in London and dinner in Paris ! And these 200 exclusive golf courses need an exemption on excise duty for their buggies ?
Do you have any idea how much these golf clubs charges it's members and collect on green fees monthly ? I don't expect you to know because most blog readers are decent, angry hard working, tax-paying citizens on a monthly shoe-string budget who cannot afford the luxury of such memberships, right ? No disrespect intended on the privileged few readers who can afford such golf club membership.
Sheeesh....so this is how our PM makes the rich get to be richer and the poor (read flustered and frustrated you and me) gets to pay the price higher on almost all basic essential goods you can think off !
And who gets to take back handsome prize monies ???.....it's almost always some foreigner or some rich 18 year old kid from a country SSE of Mongolia.
How absolutely charming, Mr. Prime Minister Sir ! Thank you for that piece of "good" news ! We poor sods ought to applaud in standing ovation for such a generous gift !
And while we're on the subject of the 200 golf courses and clubs, could you also subsidise the tax on the buggy batteries and electricity billing charges on all golf courses Mr. Najib, Sir ? And cheaper buggies means less use for a "caddy" and more nightly games, right ? Hmmm...there goes another job extinct !
Just yesterday morning I had to pay an extra 10 sens from my usual 70sens "satu teh tarik gelas kecik, mamak" just because I sat and drank in a road-side stall somewhere in Bangsar !
Oyes so can we get one for my grandfather to used around our kampong to go to the sundry shop??? I suppose it should be very much cheaper then owning a proton saga some more no need to buy petrol with Mycard.
looking at the foto, he's given
a set of sticks FREE lah !!
is this guy for real? on one hand he impose rm50.00 for credit card which are quite a necessary for most people. on the other hand he abolished import due on golf buggies! is his advisor giving him the correct advice at all? where is the logic.if people are rich enough to play golf they can afford the taxes and duties. What is he doing to help those who are already struggling to make both end meet? impose more tax! Are'nt we so blessed with such a briliant PM!??
This thing was last in line for brains. What is it thinking? and the worst part is that we have it as our pm
Good speakers can speak off the cuff, but lousy leaders can give tax cut off the cuff. I just cannot understand the reason for the tax cut. All those who drive a Proton need a tax cut not those who drive golf buggies. Oh! Oh! maybe another flip-flop decision. Can someone invite him to a drinking club or party. Maybe you can get a tax relief on your beers.
Good day!
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We are giving tax cuts left right and centre for all kinds of commercial vehicles imported into this country. If I am not mistaken all commercial and vehicles used for tourism are imported duty free. And take this, the other day my bus to Singapore stopped at one on the rest areas. I happened to look at the road tax. The company pays RM 707.00. Likewise taxi only pay half toll.And yet Bus Companies are making a constant pitch for incresed price for their services.
And now golf carts imported duty free. Does this mean that price for hire will go down or will the the company that operate the Golf Cart pocket the difference. Note: Most golf Clubs do not operate their own Golf Carts. A seperate company with connections to the club operate the Carts for a fee.The same goesfor caddies.
I hope we can get some answers.So many questions asked in blogs but no answers. Ramlax
Oiyah, don't forget about the AP's, for the car's this goafers drive.
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