Sunday, January 16, 2011

there's one moron born every week in 1Malaysia !

Why does UMNO always have to run one race or the other down just to have a "shiok sendiri" feeling of being superior ? Does any non-Malay and non-UMNO person ever ridicule a particular and fellow Malaysian ( irrespective of whether BN or PR ) just to poke fun and create hatred for the sake of feeling like a champion of that particular race ?

Only morons in Perkasa and UMNO in particular take a very insecured and defensive stand in every issue, be it cultural, religious or political.

Take the latest case by this old and senile Malay novelist from Kedah ( I also know of another old and senile "Indian" from that state !) writing a literature textbook called 'Interlok' for Form 5 students. Just why and what he is being defensive about now really pisses me. (read here)

He makes it a point to paint ALL Malaysians of Indian origins to have been brought here by the British to work in the plantations. How stupid can he get ? Even the great Tun won't agree, yes ? If you don't believe me ask him.

Of course this old coot is a racist trying to leave his mark before he passes on. But being a so-called National Laureate he should have the decency to at least refrain from using such derogative words that even Oxford Dictionary has removed long ago BUT this here Interlok is a text-book for young and dangerously fragile 17 year olds, right ?

And you'd think Najib will encourage this as a plus for his 1Malaysia crap ? Imagine 17 year old kids learning such "rubbish" and then are packed off to NS program afterwards. How would they react or interact with one another without eyeing one and other suspiciously ?

There goes Najib's 1Malaysia.....again !


Anonymous said...

when a bodoh tried to write the history of other race...

nstman said...

During my time, in the sixties and seventies, we read novels by Charles Dickens, James Joyce, Malcolm Lowry, William Golding. We opened up our minds to the world outside which has shaped our thinking. We became more cosmopolitan, we became more knowledgeable because English opened the doors. Now kids read novels by GOD KNOWS WHO. Poor kids. Tiuniamah. God help us.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the Mamaks are the most neutral. Almost all Malaysians regardless of colour or creed must have visited a Mamak shop at least once or more in their lives.

Why? Because they serve Malaysian friendly fare which all races could eat 'tanpa was was'.

Check that out.


mudin001 said...

Bro, please get your facts right:

1. Abdullah Hussain tidak menulis Interlok untuk dijadikan buku teks sastera Tingkatan 5.

2. Interlok telah diterbitkan buat pertama kali pada tahun 1971. 25 tahun sebelum beliau diberi gelaran Sasterawan Negara.

Shanghai Fish said...

maybe I'll allow somebody else to reply to the above commentor mudin001 and set the record straight.

Anonymous said...

Please they are not bodohs. They are now going to introduce proxy voting. You know that means. They will be in power for ever eventhough nothing lasts for ever.