A room full bullshit artists at their best is what I think of this forum which also saw that "tarbused" racist and fork-tongued leaping lizard Ibrahim Ali giving his 2 sens. Nice......like a gathering of snakes (U.L.A.R.) I would add. (read here )
Tell me who dared to disobey orders or toe the line when this now senile old man ruled this country with a dictatorial iron fist for 22 bloody long years, huh ? Everyone knew how vengeful and despicable a person he was, yes ? Everyone was shit scared of this tyrant then. Now in his twilight days before he goes to meet his maker instead of owning up to his crimes towards humanity and the peoples of Malaysia and beg for their forgiveness from those he "fixed" good and also destroying the once united races of Malaysia from going for each other races' necks he continues doing what he has mastered in all those years-lying through his dentures !
Damn this symphatising patron of that racist group Perkasa !! He actually thinks we're all senile like him and have forgotten how he tore this country apart while enriching his cronies, himself and his families !
"Statesman" indeed, did someone say ?.........what a joke.....hahahahahahahahahaha !
Where was he when some of us were being water-cannoned, chased, roughed-up and arrested by the police for holding a harmless single lighted candle all these times demanding for the abolishment of that dreaded and draconian ISA, huh ??
U.L.A.R.= shanghai...>>>U Lie Also Arrr....where got different..maybe u r worst...huhuhu
Dr M and Ibrahim. What you see is what you get from these two. But Hanif is the most cunning of the lot. He huffs and puffs sanctioniously. He pontificates. He sermonises. He wants you to think he is beyond reproach. He is the most dangerous of the lot. A real hypocrite. He is so dangerous that mentioning his name gives me the creeps.
Hanif Omar's shares in Genting Highlands must be worth millions. A gift from Mahathir crony Lim Goh Tong for playing good cop and toeing the line. One phone call from the Old Coot and Hanif trots out to do some spinning on behalf of his former master, Sauron.
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