And in our own backyard or rather five-foot-ways, fellow Malaysians live like this ! Ain't that a shame ? What happened to "humanity" ? Tell me honestly if this exclusive report in the MalayMail does not need to be addressed by all ? Then I'll say we have a doomed country where fellow "benevolent" citizens who will only go to where "lime-light" is assured. No bravado or danger is required or present here. Just plain humanity and love is needed here.
Caring Malaysians huh ? Damn......the hypocrites !
To help the needy in one's backyard will not gain the eight o'clock news,lest to say the international news.These supposedly holy samaritans only go for the publicity.
Our jokers like Mercy Malaysia prefer to help foreigners, especially blue-eyed Palestinians and Bosnians. Syiok sendiri. I remember the tsunami a few years ago when Mercy Malaysia went out of the way to help Indonesian victims while virtually ignoring local victims. Now we have enlisted even journalists to go to Somalia to help war victims. I wonder what role journalists are supposed to do in Somalia. Just plain stupid. A Bumi friend says Bumis prefer to help foreigners because it is more chic and glamorous. I have just finished my 12th beer. Good night.
I've said it before and I'll say it again.
Charity MUST begin at home, meaning our home country.
Why send help overseas when we still have vagrants, beggars and homeless people overseas?
of course your arse got no humanity
This is Malaysian culture lo! No makan at home never mind but MUST show-off to the world that Malaysia Boleh la! They are taught by the former mama PM bah! From mama to dullah and now nazib!!!
Yesterday, I went to Chow Kit and talked to a few homeless families. They face beauracratic red tape when applying for social aid. They said no one is willing to pull strings for them. But Mercy Malaysia goes all out for Palestinians and Bosnians and Somalians. What the hell is going on>
Charity begins at 'Home'.
Malaysia is the only country with hundreds of NGOs; each trying to out beat the other.
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