I wish to confess that my posting on Jan 30th. shanghai fish: Ibrahim Ali's "after-life" ang pow along with all the comments from you readers was accidentally deleted due to an acute lack of computer "transfer" knowledge from a lap-top to an ipad.
Sorry folks.
Sorry folks.
m..m..mmm...wondering saja lah !
dont worry, all the comments and files you accidentally deleted are all safely in a hereafter safety box. all will be revealed on the day of judgement. Praise the Lord
editor@thestandard.com.hk, rahmah@pmo.gov.my, azirahh@um.edu.my,fuad@pkrisc.cc.ukm.my
editor@thestandard.com.hk, rahmah@pmo.gov.my,azirahh@um.edu.my, fuad@pkrisc.cc.ukm.my
kuangch@um.edu.my, nhgong@gmail.com, chlok@usm.my, httan@usm.my
Mr Robert Yeap
Features Editor
The Standard
10/F, Sing Tao News Corporation Building
No. 3 Tung Wong Road, Shau Kei Wan
Hong Kong
Dear Sir,
I wish to bring to your attention an episode during the Chinese New Year season when the Chinese community in Malaysia were humiliated beyond belief. The copyright article appended below has the story. The fat pariah handing out the envelopes in the photo is the mastermind behind the plot. He is head of Perkasa a rabidly racist pro government outfit.
The regime in Malaysia to remain in power has created an artificial distinction between between 'Malays' and non Malays with the result that Malaysian society is irreparably polarized. But actually the term 'Malay' has no precise meaning for pure ethnic Chinese, Tamil and Bangladeshi citizens ( those who are Muslims or those who have found it gainful to convert to Islam ) have all been subsumed under the Malay classification. A former prime minister, Mahathir who calls himself a Malay is actually the son of an immigrant from India. The vast majority of those who are classified as 'Malays' are recently arrived immigrants from Indonesia. Here it is pertinent to mention that the regime to maintain its hold on power has been altering the demography of the nation by actively promoting such immigration. Numerous exclusive affirmative action programmes for the 'Malays' are marginalizing the other communities and stifling creativity and progress. Indeed we have today among us two generations of 'Malays' who are indolent rent collectors, parasitically living on the blood and sweat of non Malay citizens.
To remain in power the regime also promotes the fascistic ideology of 'Ketuanan Melayu' -- the superiority of the 'Malay' race. Actually there is nothing superior about them. Unlike the Chinese and Indians, they have no original notable work on philosophy, science or maths. The Bahasa Melayu (Malay Language) for all their glorification of it is but a form of pidgin English -- its vocabulary and grammar being heavily dependent on English.
Nearly all of the cases of incestuous rape occurring in Malaysia -- men raping their own natural daughters -- are committed by Malay men. Receiving money without having to work for it has corrupted the morals of the 'Malays.' And a new phenomenon has burst upon us: Babies Abandoned. Young schoolgirls, nearly all of whom are 'Malays' indulge in sex and then abandon the resulting babies at street corners, rubbish dumps or in the lobbies of supermarkets. Graft among public officials nearly all of whom are 'Malay' Muslims is widespread. While in mainland China a corrupt official is dispatched with a bullet, here in Malaysia, the corrupt are allowed to keep their ill-gotten wealth in secret foreign bank accounts. Huge corporations know as GLC's and almost exclusively managed by 'Malays' are mired in inefficiency and corruption. Sime Darby is an example.
If not for presence of the hardworking Chinese in Malaysia, the country would be as backward as the Congo... Robert Kuok's huge sugar enterprise which he built up through keen acumen and hard work was recently seized by the economic parasites. But he has found a way to get even. We appeal to you to publish this story widely in Hong Kong and in mainland China and if your readers including those on the mainland would lobby actively for economic sanctions against the regime you would be helping our cause.
Thank you and regards.
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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