UPDATES @ 4pm (same day): Maju Junction- Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman-26-2-2012
....the crowd very quickly started swelling after I arrived and sneaked onto this over-head pedestrian bridge (which incidentally was "out-of bounds" and undergoing repair work) to get a good view of the numbers
....so for "statistics" argument sake I present to you the crowd build-up at 10:09 am
...and earlier on I countered Haris giving one of the many interviews today. Busy man, this wild man of politics.
...while a section of the crowd listened attentively to a poem recited with much passion and "drama" by a well known activist. No prizes for guessing who or what the poem was about !
...another section of the angry but disciplined protesters while Haris was alternating as "crowd control orderly"
our boys-in-blue, looked rather bored today but I must say they were really doing their job by being on stand-by, giving the tax-paying rakyat their constitutional right to peacefully assemble and demand for changes from a corrupt government who has no idea whatsoever on the dangers of "nuclear power or rare earth power plant melt-downs"...
...see anyone familiar here apart from Duke the "Whisperer" ?
....or here ? hmmm.....saw Danny "DelCarpo" posing like an arsonist ready to light up with his ciggy.....and in the back-ground a group of youngsters staged a "worst-case-scenario" by sending a clear message to all. If this "acting" does not help, God help Malaysia !
....this is the "anak bangsa" of Malaysians who today are so in touch with all the politics and corruption taking place in this country. The "old government" or the BN regime is loosing it's grip as these well educated youngsters who are absolutely internet savvy take to the streets with so much love for their country that they will not shy away or sit-on-their-asses at home, doing nothing when their own government tries to screw it's citizens. Building a rare earth plant or dumping toxic elements in our environment is a no-no by anyone least of all by an Australian company who is outlawed in their own country. Think Malaysians are suckers ? Think again. 
....again the "worst case scenario" close-up.....Malaysian choose life and health over money....
....and the masked "comedienne"....with his trade-mark smirk ! Is he an under-cover agent ? Hmmm..must check with our SB Loy or Shar "101" for verification....
....my favorite protester today with the best "message" and showing half a peace sign. Says it all like "in your face" Lynas...
...and peddling protesters too ride with a message...
or again another lesson to learn....on nuclear science. Capish ?
and last but definitely not the least, the future of our grand country.....todays kids mostly aged 8 and above. There's Eason, Charlene, Ryan, Tammy, Joey and Jaymee (L to R order).
This one's for you all kiddos ! Cheers all you wonderful folks for being there at Maju Junction Kuala Lumpur today and sharing in solidarity with our fellow Kuantanites and elsewhere where this protest is all day today, in opposing this evil scheme by the BN government for allowing an outlawed rare earth company like Lynas to build it processing plant here in our country.
And thank you folks too for sending a clear message to our numero uno PM Najib and his counter-part in Australia that we the tax-paying citizens of Malaysia will never allow anyone to use our fair country to be used as a dump-site for their nuclear waste for any amount of money.
We Malaysians, value our lives and our health and the future of our generations to come. So Lynas get out of Malaysia !
p.s. click on pic for larger view
I would rather be in Kuantan right now, but Maju Junction is just as good !
So here I go a marching !
Brother, we marched the perimeters of the village, from the 'hunch back bridge' to the railway shack. We marched because we had some old military boots. We were small then, but today we march for bigger things. Will march again with you
Oh LORD I want to be in that number !
Half a peace sign. Love that.
fyi : my classmate Naipeng from SGI of 1964 NOW very happy bcos pm said all local Siamese bukan pedatangs are bumis juga : buy houses cheaper , bumi shares easier......
4 wives can ah !?
Malaysians please understand that we are not gawking at a heap of dirty undergarments belonging the Sharizat family. No, it is our tax money produced through our blood and sweat. And so like Thoreau we must withhold our taxes from the kleptocratic regime. Perhaps we ought to do more: fortnight long hartals every other month. As for the backdoor minister, I would only be satisfied if she is caned in public by a bodybuilder and then sentenced to a long prison term with hard labour
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." First Amendment to the Constitution of USA passed in 1791
Sharizat dandling a baby (picture in Malaysiakini) is one piece with her sanctimonious drivel about the pilgrimage she made to holy places to obtain forgiveness. Since she is a conscienceless B==== who pocketed the RM 250 million without evincing any compassion for the many abjectly poor citizens, a photograph showing her squatting near a fire hydrant would have been more appropriate
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