Saturday, October 27, 2012

Ptuuiiii !!

Aiyeoooooo....Indians again ah ? Why lah ? 

These group of Malaysians of remote Indian origins or now acceptable as "pariahs" ( as referred to in the Education ministry's approved school literature text book and yours truly too included !) and who are certainly  members of the now dead MIC are incurable masochists. Time and time again they have been humiliated and labelled as out-casts and yet they suck-up like hungry and mangy mongrels to 1UMNO  who feeds then scraps and breeds them to do their dirty job in brain-washing the other Malaysians of remote Indian origins . 

Like lowly beggars these fellars have no shame nor dignity. 

I cannot continue the rest of my intended post anymore after uploading that lowly P. Kamalanathan's picture here lah...just read here, here, here and here

Ptuuiiii !! 


Anonymous said...

Owwwww Dont take these sons of maggot filled pundeks too seriously lah, glup a stiff one and ptui on their mothers face for having conceived with the aid of mangy rotting aids filled semen of their father who knows not his fatherS

Anonymous said...

I thought you are only supposed to do that for Royalty only.

bruno said...

The political leaders of MIC and MCA have been acting like bitches to their political masters the Umno.When it is the season for bitches to go on heat,it is their masters who banged them upside down,till one can see stains all along the lorongs.Such shameful creatures.

Ellese said...

You're racist at core. Shame on you bigot.

Anonymous said...

So ellsese,
I assume you agree with what bn has done and still doing .
I see that you have been promoted to a higher level of prostitution.
Go tell it to your handlers.

nstman said...

they are an insult to the human race.

Shanghai Fish said...

ellsese or whatever, you must be an MIC member and like me a pariah, no ?
I have been around much much longer then you have been and I did once live in blissful harmony with my fellow Malaysians of all walks and colours without a question of what our race or religion was...and that was a long long time ago. I am qualified to my opinion as I have seen how that bloody corrupt old Mahathir systematically taught us how to hate each other.

Go ask your pariahs brothers in MIC what action have they taken on the Interlok issue before you judge me ? I am what I am today not by design but by a corrupt and racist administration that has treated us Indians like slaves and like shit. Did any of your MIC asshole friends question and demand the reason for such education (Interlok) or on the cow-head (Hindu temple) issue ?

All I see is these pariahs licking asses and kissing the hands of their master UMNO. Shame on you if can ignore and accept such pathetic acts as a Malaysian of remote Indian origins born and bred in this country with NO shame. How thick is your skin ? You might as well commit suicide en masse. In fact I strongly recommend you should do just that, you shameless pariah !

The rest of us still eat rice spiced with salt and have our birth-right pride and love for this our country intact.

Anonymous said...

next time, mu will let the aneh kiss his balls.
these indians will sell their anything to become UMNO machais. thats the fastest way to become rich.