Thursday, September 17, 2009

Happy Malaysia Day !..ABM launch (16-9-2009)

It had been raining the whole evening and as I got to the ABM House at No. 66, Bukit Damansara, late as usual around 7:20pm. the rain had ceased to a slight drizzle and I was surprised I could not find a parking space....rows and rows of cars lined on both sides of the roads on all sides and as I walked through the gates I was struck in awe at the sight of so many people, both young and old and boy !....I thought to myself.... "this is Malaysia !" Yes today was the official launch of the Anak Bangsa Malaysia website coinciding cleverly with Malaysia Day !
Below are some scenes of happy Malaysians endorsing Anak Bangsa Malaysia and celebrating Malaysia Day in true patriotic fashion ! Some pictures need captions...while others simply don't. Click on pic for larger viewing. Enjoy !

...this man above needs to be mentioned...yes, the wild man of politics, Haris Ibrahim(right) who selflessly had mooted this idea and from a document long buried in dust, deep in the BN government's "irrelevant suggestions" vault drafted by one Dr. Jomo many years back called the "Peoples' Declaration" and tirelessly worked on that document with a hand-picked core team to realise and present you with what we have today......the ABM movement.
ahhh....the ever pleasant and bubbly Lita...
....the muslim brethren breaking their fast first.....
and sales of memorabilia.....t-shirts and what-nots...
hmmmm....even celebrity artists and men of cloth dined together.....
and these young and curious minds picking an old geezer's on issues affecting their future.... Danny "DelCapo" saying something ?
wear it if it fits you, Datuk.... Ambiga looking for the right words to get the message across, I guess !
....Kelly and Mila setting up a "3 step" blogspot for Jac......the latest entry in the blogging circuit, perhaps ?
and the trusty helpers.....registration of attendees......
and the "rastaman" promoting his latest cd's......
.....anyone familiar here ?....huh ??
....or here ?...
...check out the honky-man....Boom, together Black with his own composition of the new "Anak Bangsa Malaysia" anthem ! I must say it was catchy and has a very good beat.....and it is definitely not plagiarised or borrowed ! Have a listen....I'm sure some blogs have already up-loaded it !
So there you go you might have missed out alot, yes ?...and Happy belated Malaysia Day !


Anonymous said...

you are one such ABM, i.e. Abang Bangsa Malaysia. Great day with great people, you included. Let us rock at Bagan Pinang next.

Shalom, Admiral Tojo

SFGEMS said...

Shang, you are truly an Anak Bangsa Malaysia. Great pictures (ahem!) and as always an interestin write-up.

Ms Bubbly!

Kelly Khoo said...

Hehe, thank god you got me at the right angle with that pic, or i would i have posted a hmmmpphhh just like you did =P

nstman said...

yes, this is the real Malaysia. Yes, this is the Malaysia Umno and its lackeys dont want to see. This is the real Malaysia, minus the cowpokes, cowboys, cowshit, cowdung manufactured by Umno.

Anonymous said...

place looks familiar to this the "BLOG HOUSE"? yes? if u gt the place then congrats to all ABN..


Anonymous said...

Ola, what's up amigos? :)
I will be happy to get some assistance at the start.
Thanks and good luck everyone! ;)

Anonymous said...


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Great stuff there

I hope you like it

Anonymous said...

I searched for something completely different, but found your website! And have to say thanks. Nice read. Will come back.

Anonymous said...

Hey Hey, I'm a newby. suppose say howdy.

Take care and Thankyou (apologise if this is the wrong thread to put this post)

Anonymous said...

HI, I just joined this community. I m from india. I like this forum.......hope to learn lot of things here ;-)