What a sick and bizzare week this has been....first I deliberately left my CYC posting on, just so I can say... "there you have it folks...just 1 point from 3 games".....and we are kicked out even before we can start bragging...and you...yeah you and I...........dumb tax-paying suckers !!... still think we can save this poor excuse for a sport from lining the pockets of some very "FORTUNEate" people within the inner circles of the Ministry of Youth and Sports and their cronies ! Forget it and lets just move on, folks......okay !
If that was not bad enough for the week.....then comes this tragic bus accident in Bukit Gantang near Taiping !
It tears me to read these heart-wrenching stories (read here). So who's going to explain to the near and dear of the critically wounded or dead persons to move on in life......get over it or it was "fated" that it happen ...?? The bus operaters, the licensing board, the Minister of Transport, the police, JPJ, JKR or CVLB or the innocent mother of the dead driver, who still swears of her son's innocence and responsibility despite having had 13 summonses and 2 warrants of arrest ??
Everything will be done now to pass the blame from one department to another whilst all heads of department maintain a perfectly balanced composure of a guilt-free image !
And if all avenues are exhausted......then point a finger skywards....and declare the ever famous "act of GOD " tagline !!
And no questions or inquiries will arise, just some huhah pretenders disguised as committees investigating and wasting more tax-payers monies as the bus operators continue to milk the poor, lowly folks who still need to take a bus, the JPJ will continue to be "closing one eye", the police will not comment as investigations are still under way , the minister will still not miss his golf game every morning, and the mother will still love and terribly miss her devoted and innocent bus-driver son....life goes on...move on and get a life... and thats the reality of life in this doomed country !
God bless Malaysia on her 50th. birthday and we continue to move on........sigh !
1 comment:
there will continue to be accidents and more fatalities, for as long as there are corrupt RTD officers and policemen.
that is a fact.
we have made huge leaps and strides economically, socially blah blah blah...
but just look at this! i think the rot is too deep in the system and the mindset of section of society....
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