What would you do IF (God knows I don't wish for this !) you are put in a position and cannot ...for the life of you , and try as you may, find a solution to over-come the ever increasing problems....see there are mouths to feed , no roof over your head, a loved one in urgent need for medication, you have not a penny to your name and are still reeling emotionally over the death of your own son who earlier succumbed to injuries of a fire which robbed you of your entire business and savings and left you in this depressing and hopeless state ! And your wife too is nursing third degree burns all over her body !!(see here !)
Would you be harbouring thoughts of a welcome escape ? Perhaps even suicide ? See you cannot go out to the streets yourself as the heat ( and disgusted stares from fellow Malaysians !! ) of the day does strange and crazy things to the third degree burns on your body !
What will you do ?
This is the real deal man......life sucks for Jeffrey Suah ! His modest "cottage industry" batik bussiness didn't afford him a luxurious life or frequent over-seas holidays or dinning at fancy restuarants or even a bank account......nothing.....for he had some "real" and ready-made monthly expenditures and responsibilities which cannot, not even for once, be tilted or ignored-medical bills for his 78 year old cancer-stricken mother ! Then came the FIRE !
Perhaps our good PM Pak Lah can nominate Jeffery as the first recepient of the Datin Seri Endon Mahmood Batik Foundation ! Afterall she had big plans for Malaysian batik and nows the chance to make her wishes come true ! She'd be so happy !
Such is the fate of Jeffrey Suah's life, folks..... and you thought you had major problems huh ??.......and do continue to pray for him please and do your bit this Merdeka folks, for a fellow Malaysian, thank you and good night....pleasant dreams !
bro, there are so 'jeffreys' out there yet the govt sees it fit to bail out companies that enrich only a few!
Remember the Tsunami victims? i met some in my trip to Langkawi earlier this year. What did they get? Heartbreaks!
No boats, no engines, only RM1000 per family! some may have got compensation but only those in the 'right' village!
Well you know how these funds are distributed....one for you,.. two for me..one for you and another two for me...heheheh !
The victims can reel in frustration, but the organisers/distributers make a bounty for themselves.
Cheers mate !
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