Shocking and disgusted !! that's how I feel....just how bold and arrogant can these scums of society get ??...and imagine 2 "innocent" and armed-cops being kicked and beaten-up by "mat rempits" in full view of dozens of curious on-lookers ! read here !
People, this is the regular scene in every corner of the country...from big cities to remote villages...come the week-end all our "youths" seem to go into a crazed frenzy.....like the need to pump-up the adrenaline level to a point of a "high".....coupled with some easily accessed drugs and a ready and willing, female "chick" to boot....hmmmm.... why not !...gonna get their kicks the best way they know !! Always travelling in packs too....see, there is unfounded "guts" and "power" in numbers, you know, and with whatever little risk known, scrounge the night-streets for their cheap 'week-end' kicks ! Anything goes...bully and hurl lewd remarks at any motorists staring at their antics, do stupid and precarious stunts at high speed, ride dangerously through red-lights, weave in and out of traffic, snatch hand-bags or hand-phones from unsuspecting victims and irritate all other road-users especially women, irrespective of race of age ! And when caught, their parents would swear their kids are innocent and were very mild mannered and fillial children at home !
There have even been cases when 2 motorists, involved in an accident, out of nowhere come these "mat-rempits" to intimidate one of the motorist and extorting, robbing and even beating-up the motorist without the other motorist (involved in the accident ) even knowing or being associated to, with the "mat-rempits"....they take it upon themselves to be judges and executioneers in metting of punishment.
After-all these "mat rempits" do have the blessings, endorsement and encouragement of the UMNO putera "top-guns" and an awful lot of silent sympathisers within certain quarters of the government...right ?
Let me suggest a novel way to stop this menace on our streets.....place "trigger-happy" sharp-shooters (or snippers !) at strategic points at cross-roads all over town on Friday and/or Saturday nights and take them out as the ride past.....and if they run-out rubber bullets ...I think the majority will agree with me and not protest if they actually used live bullets ! I don't see why not?.....it was generously used and for a lesser "threatening" situation in the so-called recent Trengganu riots, right ??
*photo courtesy of mob1900
Hei! Fishhead!
Violence begets violence! And you should know that, and your solution sucks. We need a total re-education for these lost boys and the government must tackle it head on!
Have you been a victim of these social out-casts ?...no I guess but a friend of mine has and she still today shivers everytime a bunch of rempits ride their bikes too close to her car...she is a very frustrated and angry victim...and she says...show no mercy to these bastards !period !
I agree with Rusdi. No point wasting rubber bullets on them rempits. We should line up the Umnoputeras who support these rempits and hail them with rubber bullets where it hurts most. They are the real morons of this Earth. The firing squad, hopefully, will discourage other politicians from supporting and sympathising with the rempits.
If that doesn't work, line up the rempits' parents for the rubber bullets. That will teach parents to take care og their kids.
the recently cancelled "dogs hunt" should be modified...
Now in the story... the plainclothed policemen expected bystanders to join the scuffle? That would be like gangwar! Why didn't they asked for backup instead before taking any action? Even pondans would react like mat rempits in such situations.
Yo SS,
It's snipers lah. Not snippers. Wait, hang on..unless you're referring to a pair of kick-ass bolt-cutters to snip off their teensy-weensy family jewels.
Sorry guyz, I'd have to agree with Rusdi on the violence begetting stuff (although the re-education part will be just as spurious).
And state-sponsored rubber bullet firing squads ain't gonna happen.
Though it would be kinda gratifying to see a four-wheeler redneck run over some of these mat rempits and then, reverse for another oopsy to make sure they got the message.
Here's what I see. Does this government recognise the mat rempits as a social problem and/or a menace to society or must it escalate to vigilante action(s) from the common folks for them to take affirmative responses? And if UMNO continue to be blind to these scums' antics, then I won't be surprised if the RMP personnel take more 'forceful' measures in their next operation.
Oh yeah, one more thing. Will somebody please inform our high and mighty PM that the 'peace and security' in major towns that we are supposed to enjoy gets kicked around EVERY weekend by Mat Rempits.
Meanwhile, catapults and ball-bearings, anyone?
Anyone saw the lates movie 'the brave one' by Jodie Foster? If the government does not tackle these mat rempit issue now, the public will, and they might start taking matter on their own! I for one wont hasitate! After being rob 3 times and got my thigh sliced, I had enough!
zewt, and the timing is perfect too...we now hunt for strays on botorbikes !
Cheers !
and Shar101...ya..lah...I mix my thongs with tongues too bro, but hey am I not allowed one spelling mix-up ? Cheers bro...and Selamat Berbuka Puasa....cheers as I'll raise a mug of the golden chilled one to your health !
Shaharudin, yes the police are armed and without back-up...and these are the times they expect by-standers to get involved...this is typical Malaysian style...everyone watching wants to pretend to be helpful ONLY after the damage is done...a natural tendency to be cowards but brag later that "I wanted to catch the bugger et cetera bullshit...." shame...on them !
anon of 7.20,sorry to hear about your 3 times plus slash on thigh...and I know perfectly well how you feel and you have every bloody right to feel that way ! Take care....thats why we refer them as scums !
cheers !
that should read "motorbikes" and not botorbikes...what was I thinking...shar101 ?
Check out the latest arrests of the Mat Rempits (cars & Motorbikes) at:
You can't blame the rempits. They're just doing their part to get more free trips to the North Pole under the sponsorship of tax payers money & they know they are above the law with UMNO Putras behind them.
It is a given that Umno sanctions thugs. And mat rempit are thugs of the first order. Umno is creating a militia to bludgeon the opposition into submission. they are creating a force similar to the Gestapo to impose their will on the people. Hitler and his Nazis would have been very proud of Umno.
Good for u to bring up the mat rempit issue again. Otherwise it will be forgotten after the spate of child killers.
melaka cheng boy,
You are right. They must register themselves first to qualify as a mat rempit so that they can be considered for the next umno putera projects. Next project is maybe another Astrocannot.
Government wont use live bullets on them cos they are needed for the coming election. Proposal to use live bullets can be considered after the election.
Maybe, Malaysia should employ the services of Lee Kuan Yew, make him the IGP for a while. I am sure he will clean up the streets of KL and the whole nation of criminal activities.
I lived in S'pore for many years.It was once a gangstar infested country, where organised crime was the law.Today, it has one of the lowest crime rate in the world.Even more surprising was Hong Kong, its crime rate has gone down as low as S'pore.Hong Kong is now considered as one of the safest cities in the world.
The irony is that these two cities are under Chinese management and control.In Malaysia, the Malays look at the Chinese as the mother of all crimes.
The problem are not the criminals, it is our leaders who do not have the will to do it.They spent more time filling up their pockets, which is a crime itself.
An even bigger problem is the rampant corruption in the police force.
When leaders have 'no sense of shame' this is what happenned.
I used to think that re-educating these mat rempits as a better and more sound solution. But then i realised that in reality, mat rempits can never be re-educated. It's their mentality (third-world mentality), their mindset, it's their way of life. No matter how you brainwash them, they will still be mat rempits. It's in their genes. They go around just to 'cari pasal', and when opportunities come, they turn small matters BIG so that they can put up a fight. A small situation such as an "almost accident" scene may turn out a bloodbath.
I suggest that the government put up a new rule that whenever a fight happens between a mat motor with a motorist, simply regard the motorist as the innocent, and the mat motor as the criminal. No need to investigate. It is mat motor who always initiate a fight, even though it might be the motorist fault.
People.. sign this petition:
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