From conspiracy murder theories to buggering to police investigations and flip-flop statutory declarations and desperate back-door party "unions", price-hikes and "alarming" high crime rate and racism...yes, this new found "malay unity" campaign certainly to me, reeks of racism ! Why ?
Just what is going on ?? Why do we have to be fed with so many lies by so many so-called "revered" persons of presumed good standing, who like, only yesterday promised to take us (read us, the nation) out of this political "docudrama" of uncertainty ?? Can these people who have lied without flinching, to us, actually sleep soundly when they put their miserable hollow heads on the pillow at night ??
Just browse around the postings on the more popular blogs ( you decide if they are credible or other-wise ) and one, especially foreigners, would perhaps think we live in the worst of "exciting" times and with the worst of peoples ! I certainly cannot find a decent thing to say about the state of affairs now and am ashamed (both political and social) of this once beautiful country of ours...Malaysia !
But I want to only LIVE here...here in my country...Malaysia, is that asking too much ? Why can't we have things like the way it used to be ? And to say the least, I'm staying put right here and I will see the end of this crazy, crazy lying hypocrites and parasites kicked out of our civil society. There is an old saying and it goes like this...."you don't burn the whole house down just to get rid of a few rats, do you ? ".... right? And I will swallow the bitter pill even as I read what one anonymous reader commented on my earlier posting which I re-produce below in verbatim.......sigh...no cheers today !
I read Malaysia Today and your website when I get a twinge of homesickness (it's not often, what with the pressures of daily life). But this is an effective tonic. It reminds me why I left to live in a country where I am an equal, I am free, I am not discriminated against and the Govt is afraid of me!The system is very transparent and the people are very kind.
Sad to say I also earn more, have a great lifestyle and family and was given citizenship only after 2 years residence. My kids go to great schools (all for a nominal fee) and I have no great fears about how they will do in life. Nobody asks us about our religion or origins. My only regret is for those I left behind in a that country was just behind Japan so many long years ago.