Why ?.... do you want to narrow-down the number to one person who would be your lap-dog and not dig up your past misdeeds for the 30 odd years before you hand over, issit ?
After what Deputy FT Minister M. Saravanan did at the "emergency" department yesterday, I'd say he has got more balls then you to get the job done ! 30 years is a damn long time chum ! So out you go and get Saravanan to take over with immediate effect, okay ? (read here)
And I got a few nasty words for that Health Minister Datuk Seri Liow bloke and HKL director Datuk Dr Zaininah Mohd Zain !
Hey Liow....what is there to investigate and check first, huh ? Don't you trust a Deputy Minister's word ? You think Saravanan lied ? For heaven's sake get to work, you moron....a report from a Deputy Minister is not good enough for you to work with ? Sheeesh !
And Dr. Zaininah, what do you mean only 8 patients (and none of them were in pain , erh ? )and 20 relatives huh ? For God's sake this is the "EMERGENCY" department of the KL Hospital, stupid.....why would anyone be there if it was not an emergency huh ? EVEN if 1 patient is there....a doctor should attended immediately, understand ? Even ONE patient, you kick your doctors' asses to attend immediately ! Have you forgotten your Hippocratic Oath ? Do I make myself clear and stop covering-up your charges' inefficiencies and lack of professionalism, kapish ? Double SHEEESH !
Like a friend said, it should Hypocritical Oath...... Ina
Aiyah, it's only an emergency what. Not urgent mah? The latest news is more urgentlah to see what ganjaran we get.
Sometimes truth is not to be found in the newspapers; as you will surely attest to.
Sometimes knowing the real story behind it all is important before placing others in your firing line
Maybe this will help
aiyah, everyday the same one so many sick people, my pay so low, cant they wait ah ? cunt wait , GO private hospital lah ...@#$%^&*....i just read the headlines only lah, what the xxxx fuss !!
The is definitely more room to improve in the emergency department's services.
However, speaking from a point of view of being a medical personnel myself, the ED in HKL was doing a great job in terms of efficiency (550 cases a day= 23 cases per hour, divided by 6 doctors. Therefore a doctor roughly sees 4 cases per hour). And during daytime, the number of cases is definitely higher. Studying Medicine in a Australia, I know that 8 patients in the ED waiting room is phenomenal in terms of speed! Most of them in ED I bet wouldn't even have life-threatening injuries- therefore they were made to wait in terms of prioritizing. "Liow said that when the “incident” occurred between 10am and 11am, the waiting period to see a doctor at the non-critical zone was less than 15 minutes." Did you know that in Australia, people with non-critical injury wait up to 8 hours for medical attention?
This is to say that they are working their butt off already to achieve this efficiency. Therefore Shanghai Fish, you are in no place to say that the doctor was napping- since you were not there yourself. According to the report, he was even waiting for the next patient to come in!
Think about it another way- The Deputy Federal Minister abused his position and authority to barge into the ED when the doctors were busy working. He was not a health personnel, and his presence and demand of attention actually delayed the work of the health personnel. The supervisor appeared 30 minutes later, and that could have been due to the fact that he has been resuscitating someone!
Shanghai Fish, you were very biased in your comments in not researching what happened properly- and what the health care system is like. Shame on you for booing on Datuk Liao for investigating the case thoroughly- he could have just played along politically and shamed the poor intern who was caught at the wrong place and time. Shame on you.
why cant i protect my health ministry from been tarnished but shall screw up the doktors later, in private : my residence like how saifool was entertained !!
deputy FT minister, u better be careful, dun tarnish the bn ministry
dun simply talk to the papers : A WARNING, ok !!
Dear Med Student,
I would like to first believe you must be one or the other "doctor" who was "napping".....cos nowhere in my post did I claim anyone was caught "napping"....so before you shame me for writing this post and you being a willing apologist for these 2 (in your words) "napping" doctors, take a damn good look at yourself.Pray tell me which part of me cries "bias".
Stop this rot now. It is in my contention you make the numbers who are always apologising for another's lack of intergrity.
Don't you see why our country is is in such a state ? Always comparing our inadequacies with countries of lesser quality ! Why ? Try comparing with 1st. world countries....! Do you pay your taxes to the Australian govt ?
No ! I believe and it the responsibility of that "lesser" country's citizens to make that wrong...right . Can't you take any criticism constructively and address the issues before shooting away on how bad things are in Australia ?
Your explaination seems fair but for God's sake I am not the enemy....I am writing to tell you where we need to buck-up !
And STOP being an apologist, understand ?
and to anon 8:38am,
hey moron, this is not a bn issue, Get it ? this is about good governance....in any government of the day I will still be writing on issues that need to be high-lighted for the ordinary tax-paying citizens. And if you got the balls to issue a threat to the Deputy Minister....DO IT LIKE A MAN. (write with your name and identify yourself) and if you dare, write straight to the Deputy Minister himself.You too sound like bing the "culprit" himself !
Sheeesh...grow-up Malaysians please !
hey, fish : you lack humor lah !!
My God Fish- you want this goon to lead? What a choice man!!
You don't know what goes on in an A&E, and hence shouldn't be biased without knowing the full story.
The patient was attended to and the xray was awaiting review - and the person reading the newspaper wasn't in charge of the case.
I know for a fact that the A&Es in the country try to do the best they can for the RM1.00 (since the 50s, mind you!!) with which you cannot buy a coffee. Malaysian should be willing to pay more if they want the right to complain!
There's more than what meets the eye in the A&E, just as there's more to issues as reported by the MSM.
dr. Cruz,
This is a stinger for a posting and not one to auger the Dep. Minister's popularity. Another way to keep "good governance" on it's toes, so to speak. Sure this Saravanan ain't anybody's choice but it did bring out issues that needed addressing and hence a fair amount of accountability and 'insight' for both "for and against" good governance.
I see your concern and you are not wrong in thinking otherwise of my true intentions of pitting the lesser of the 2 evils vis-a-vis "politician against politician" in this here post.
Cheers !
Aah that way - I see your intention. That's fine - anyways, one isn't better than the other.
However, I maintain that this goon did wrong to accuse the doc unnecessarily.
I don't mean to say that KKM is fantastic - but given the circumstances, they are actually doing fairly okay ..... barring the missing sujatha samples, confiscated kugan samples and incompetencies in many areas, of course.
What to do - that's Umno's work, and that will never change until the BN/Umno regime falls.
MIC is just the court jester juggling their own balls in the equation, and no matter which goon sits on the MIC chair that will never change ....
Cheers Mate!!
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