Wednesday, February 03, 2010

of begging Indians and Chinese prostitutes....

Ohhhh.....the arrogance of the "ketuanan Melayu" is once again rearing it's ugly head straight out from the PM department. Take the case of this simpleton Nasir Safar ( surname sure sounds like an Indonesian immigrant's... ) at a Rapat 1Malaysia seminar in Malacca....where he was supposed to have uttered derogatory racist "pendatang" remarks ! Sheeeesh ! ( read here )

Where did this bigot crawl out from ?.....oppps , sorry, we know..... yes, he is the PM's special officer, so there, he's from Najib's office...another saboteur, perhaps ? (and here )

The sheer insolence of this idiot is perhaps shared but by a few, and the very foundations ( if there was any to start with ? ) of Najib's 1Malaysia is nothing more then "shiok-sendiri" lip-service ! It sounds so hypocritical when the very people within can go around accusing fellow Malaysians especially the Chinese women-folk as coming here to the shores of then Malaya, to prostitute themselves and the begging Indians.......errh...the Indians huhhh.....(just a quick flash of Samy Velu's image crossed my mind and distracted my train of thought and focus).

time-out:wakakakakakakakakakaka !

Yes, well, the Malaysians of remote Indian origins did not come here abegging either. They are even today (talk about the recent "acquisition/ recruitment" of 300 IT cyber-troopers when Najib was in India last week ) sought after for the many varied fields of expertise, by in the 1800's by the British to build roads and manage the colonial masters plantations when this entire uncharted country was nothing but the world's oldest rain-forest. And they were as important now as the man next to you in developing this country to what it is today ! So there !

Sacking this moron is not going to solve the has to come from within our hearts to treat and respect all regardless of race, religion or EQUALS....not uniquely labelling us as in bumi/non-bumi classification which then creates the likes of these arrogant fools, like Nasir, who think they can spit and spew on anyone they please ! Then again we also now have the unspoken UMNO bumi and Non-UMNO bumi to add to this stupid equation, yes ?

Just go and listen to the SABM road-shows that are currently making waves and changing attitudes of every section of society, and learn history as it should have been written, not distorted......then maybe we can be rid of such despicable retards !
Sheeeesh !


Anonymous said...

This is shocking. Seditious words coming out from a senior officer of the PM's Dept.Applying the ISA and jail term is the right punishment.

Anonymous said...

This sifar fellow made the mistake of voicing what he hears in his bosses' presence what. Where else do people like this hero, oops Zero get his ideas. I am sure he is parroting the views of Putra Jaya. To make such an insulting statement makes you wonder what else is being said about and behind the non- muslims or as he called us, bloody Indian beggers and Chinese Sluts with topping of PENDATANGS TO add icing for the cake.
Is this what UMNO thinks of us non-malays. Tq Umno me a staunch BN supporter am migrating over to P.R. at least they don't call my great grand mothers parents SLUT, MCA WHERE ARE YOU. MORONS,

From land of Hang Tuah said...

1Malaysia will just remain as a slogan only, as in reality the PM's people including those little Napoleans and Umno controlled media are doing the opposite in helping to destroy it by churning out racist remarks and stirring up racial tensions to gain political mileage.

Paying merely lip service to the 1Malaysia slogan just to fish for votes but doing the opposite action against its principles, really makes the slogan a mockery altogether.

Am not surprised by the racists remarks made by this Safar slimeball, since all those who did the same all this while, including Awang Selamat are always being let off (perhaps given immunity power and protection to make such comments for political mileage purposes). So am not shocked that other idiots now (and more to come) dare to voice out such racist remarks openly as they believe action will not be taken against them.

Anonymous said...

This will not happen if the staff in the PM's Office reflects the racial composition in the country. Just think about it, you do not hear such words from the members of the cabinet which reflects the racial composition of the country.Ramalx

Anonymous said...

What a show Najib your drama is never ending. We have enough of your pretending to be sincere but nonetheless you are a big bluffer.
I Malaysia is dead repeat dead I hope you hear this. Your very own aide can be fixed up by you so what about others. We are no fools only those dogs like Mca gerekan and PAIRIN can take as much as they can
all for the ringgit that is all.

Anonymous said...

Nasir is of Indon descent. Mahathir of Indian descend. Immigrants, according to Nasir.

So tell us what did your and his forebearers sell, Nasir?

This is just an attempt by Najib to hoodwink the people into thinking he is a hero wo cares for all Malaysians.

Nasir is just the tool to make him look like a hero. Nasir will be forgiven or his action marked as "NOD" (no offence disclosed). Najib is responsible as his Nasir's boss. Najib now has lost the votes of right thinking people, including many Malays.

Anonymous said...

Recently a pig brained pariah religio fascist said at a public forum that we ethnic Indian and Chinese citizens (although born in Malaysia) are Pendatang!(= immigrants?!) It seems that this pariah subsequently 'clarified' his remarks: that he was misquoted and that he has in fact nothing against ethnic minorities. Now, does this expedient solve the problem? What if I said that this pig brained pariah's wife is a Chow Kit Road prostitute and subsequently explained that my remarks were misunderstood. Would the pariah be satisfied with my clarification?

We all know that the case is not so simple. This pariah is clearly a product of the BTN indoctrination programme which has its core the Hitler inspired concept of racial supremacy (i.e of the 'Malay' people!)Actually, it has been explained time and again that the heterogeneous collection of immigrants principally from Indonesia(the Jawanese, Bugis, Banjarese Minangs etc) were, only for the sake of administrative convenience, labelled as 'Malays' by the British Colonial Government. The present government has made the term Malay even more elastic thereby compounding the anomalies already existing in the classification. Reezal Merican Naina Merican a top gun in UMNO Youth (the so called Malay political party) is, as his name proves, of Tamil stock. How did he become a Malay? The father of Mahathir anak lelalki Iskandar Kutty was an immigrant from Kerala, South India who married a woman from Riau. When was Mahathir anak lelaki Iskandar Kutty transformed into a Malay? Khir Toyo whose indigent parents were immigrants from Jawa, Indonesia has today reinvented himself as a Malay. And there are many more like him.

Obviously the pig brained fascist does not know his facts. Would the pariah be prepared to prove his case to an independent panel of jurists, historians, demographers and anthropologists? Or would the pariah be willing to take his case to the International Court of Justice to prove that as a 'Malay' he may enjoy exclusive privileges and benefits denied to ethnic Chinese and Indian citizens? Several centuries before Khir Toyo's parents immigrated from Indonesia, Tamils from the Cholan and Pandian kingdoms of South India had established settlements in Kedah and Johor. And there were waves of immigration to the country from the continent of Africa thousands of years back. And can we forget Orang Asli the true natives of Peninsular Malaysia?

According to Mahathir anak lelaki Iskandar Kutty 90 % of the tax revenue comes from non 'Malays.' We must not take the insult lying down. WAKE UP!!!

Anonymous said...

Recently a pig brained pariah religio fascist said at a public forum that we ethnic Indian and Chinese citizens (although born in Malaysia) are Pendatang! (= immigrants?!) It seems that this pariah subsequently 'clarified' his remarks: that he was misquoted and that he has in fact nothing against ethnic minorities. Now, does this expedient solve the problem? What if I said that this pig brained pariah's wife is a Chow Kit Road prostitute and subsequently explained that my remarks were misunderstood. Would the pariah be satisfied with my clarification?

We all know that the case is not so simple. This pariah is clearly a product of the BTN indoctrination programme which has its core the Hitler inspired concept of racial supremacy (i.e of the 'Malay' people!)Actually, it has been explained time and again that the heterogeneous collection of immigrants principally from Indonesia (the Jawanese, Bugis, Banjarese Minangs etc) were,only for the sake of administrative convenience, labelled as 'Malays' by the British Colonial Government. The present government has made the term Malay even more elastic thereby compounding the anomalies already existing in the classification. Reezal Merican Naina Merican a top gun in UMNO Youth(the so called Malay political party) is, as his name proves, of Tamil stock. How did he become a Malay? The father of Mahathir anak lelalki Iskandar Kutty was an immigrant from Kerala, South India who married a woman from Riau. When was Mahathir anak lelaki Iskandar Kutty transformed into a Malay? Khir Toyo whose indigent parents were immigrants from Jawa, Indonesia has today reinvented himself as a Malay. And there are many more like him.

Obviously the pig brained fascist does not know his facts. Would the pariah be prepared to prove his case to an independent panel of jurists, historians, demographers and anthropologists? Or would the pariah be willing to willing to take his case to the International Court of Justice to prove that as a 'Malay' he may enjoy exclusive privileges and benefits denied to ethnic Chinese and Indian citizens? Several centuries before Khir Toyo's parents immigrated from Indonesia, Tamils from the Cholan and Pandian kingdoms of South India had already established settlements in Kedah and Johor. And there were waves of immigration to the country from the continent of Africa thousands of years back. And can we forget Orang Asli the true natives of Peninsular Malaysia?

According to Mahathir anak lelaki Iskandar Kutty 90 % of the tax revenue comes from non 'Malays.' We must not take the insult lying down. WAKE UP!!!

Anonymous said...

If Najib Abdul Razak the Prime Minister were to go Indonesia and tell the people there that they should stop indentifying themselves as Jawanese, Bugis, Minangs etc but instead call themselves as the Malays (!) of Indonesia do you think the different ethnic groups would be pleased and accept his proposal as the correct thing to do. Of course not! If that is not acceptable in Indonesia, how then can Jawanese, Bugis, Minang immigrants to Malaysia from Indonesia be classified as 'Malays' / 'Native Sons' and be granted exclusive privileges and benefits denied to ethnic Chinese and Indian citizens many of whom can trace their domicile in the country to several decades before these new arrivals from Indonesia made Malaysia their home.

This Apartheid division of Malaysian society into Bumiputras (sons of the soil-- though many have immigrated from Indonesia and India) and non Bumiputras is definitely untenable. I hope that right thinking Malaysians will jointly bring the case to the International Court of Justice for a definitive opinion. Then the Apartheid System will have to be dismantled.

The predicate that the 'Malay' practises 'Malay' (!) customs will also not wash. For those who are described as Malays have long ago abandoned 'Malay' customs adopting in their place modern customs copied mainly from the West. In any case many of what they originally practised were of Indian origin. Which is why they have been forced to use words like putra, kerana, bumi, sri, pancha indera etc etc. A letter recently published in Malaysiakini says that 'Malay' yuppies frequent pubs and consume alcohol. And if you make a circuit of the betting shops in Kuala Lumpur you will discover that between 70% to 80% of the patrons are 'Malays'.

Anonymous said...

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