Darn, isn't not strange that this latest outburst by this "politically frustrated" PKR fellow has got something to do with that earlier moron from Bandar Baru Kulim, called Zul ? Somehow I get the feeling that this is all part of a hurriedly arranged negative chain of events, badly orchestrated to discredit any good change that's on-going in the Opposition held strong-holds, systematically and one at a time. Only that it is somehow is back-firing up their own arse, yes ?
And now we also know why this "contract seeking" Zahrain Hashim is behaving like he is on "heat" ! ( read here ). I must admit Anwar has erred many times in his choice of "champions" ! When there is nothing to rape or rob, they turn on each other like mongrels scavenging for what little there is left over. Fellows who have once "helped themselves" to "easy money".
Why am I saying this ?......remember PKR is en bloc..... once UMNO, right ? And now after so long from that cess-pool, these maggots who have "missed" or have been "by-passed" their chance to be turned into "butterflies" are demanding their so called long-overdue dues ! Maybe there are "hidden hands" pulling the strings to stir chaos and sensationalise in the media and you know from where that is coming from too, right ?
Sorry mate, you are "planted" in the wrong camp ! No can do !
Like I said before...the time is now right for DAP and PAS to stay focused and hand over their ultimatum to leave Anwar and leave PR . ( here )
Just my 2 sens worth.
PKR is the weakest arm in Pakatan with a baggage full of ex Unmo scumbags, thats the problem (including the head, Mr Anwar). RPK himself has stated that Mr. Anwar could be the liabity in Pakatan and it would be a blessing in disguise perhaps if he lost the case to Slyfool in Sodomy 2 and be put behind bars for time being to enable Pakatan to strategise better coming GE-13 with a new leader.
It's not advisable for PAS & DAP however to abandon PKR or leave the Pakatan coalition now as that would mean we're going into "self destruction mode"... as the Rakyat will never gonna trust any opposition coalition again in future if that happens and this will only make BN the ultimate choice by default again.
The best thing is PKR and even Pakatan should get a new leader to be its HEAD to clean up & discard all those trojan horses whom are 'thorns in the flesh' to the coalition. Then it will be easier to move on with the coalition's original struggle. In my view, Zaid Ibrahim would be the best person to lead Pakatan now.
anwar is a good orator n stay where he is best in..come to people judgement..it best he leave it to others..or he be himself his greatest enemy at the expense of good people
Most of the PKR members left UMNO because they were thrown out of the loop for supporting DSAI.Now they also have to make a living. The promise of PKR to takeover government has not matreialised. DSAI must find some way to keep them happy otherwise they will becom easy picking for UMNO. So you see we are slowly but surely going back to status quo ante.
If we follow the present path we will all crash like Tiger Woods and all our ills will come to roost. We are a democratic country wedded to parliamentry system of government. In a system like this one all decision making must go through a process. That means that we must pay homage to rules and regulations and to the processes established for conduct of business. If we do not it will be a field day for those who are in power because they will do what is politically expedient.
All these slogans that are being advertised at great expense to government in including the one on myeg.com with some esxy girls doing the honours to attract us to use the site to renew our insurance and road tax will slowly but surely drain our treasury.(Note: a 60 seconds add on international spotrs channel will cost you around US 1 Million.) This resource rich country that has oil under and over the ground is bleeding.There are people who do not belong to the top 5000 richerst people in Malaysia who are spending in three hours what you and I and members of the Professional and Managerial Group earn in three years!
WE have to learn form what is happening to other copuntries in this region who have unfortunately followed the path of Malaysia 25 uyears ago.
I hope that GOD will give the wisdom to my leaders to do at the beginning what they will be forced to do unsuccessfuly at the end. Ramalx
Good day, sun shines!
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Not for the coalition to breakup but for those deadwoods to be caste aside and burnt. Those branches that bear no fruit be chopped and thrown aside. In this way the tree will be healthier and will bear much fruits. It is better for some mambers to be thrown aside than for the entire tree to end up rotten !
They turn out as 'Bitterflies' instead ...hehehe !
No Money No Talk. No Contract Tokkok.
This is all a side show. The next episode will see the use of 'proper channels' to air grouses a'la BN.
Then they start hugging each other with promise to bury the past, to show us what democracy means.
It's getting mundane and the novelty is fading.
The UMNO rejects have been welcomed with open arms by the Pakatan Reject, so what's the beef?
And now, there's a new 'leadership by example' case. Blogger Jeff Ooi is being sued by another plant?
This is all a side show. The next episode will see the use of 'proper channels' to air grouses a'la BN.
Then they start hugging each other with promise to bury the past, to show us what democracy means.
It's getting mundane and the novelty is fading.
The UMNO rejects have been welcomed with open arms by the Pakatan Reject, so what's the beef?
And now, there's a new 'leadership by example' case. Blogger Jeff Ooi is being sued by another plant?
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