"An eye for an eye makes half the world blind" ....to simply quote the real Mahatma !
So says the champion of "mats" (rempit) Khairy in reference to the AG's "no further action" decision of the 2 journos from Al-Islam in the desecration and sacrilegious acts against the Catholic church. He reckons the decision is to "balance out" the racial and religious row caused by the "Allah" issues ! Yeah right KJ ! What an idiot ! What can you make of such debate ? One minute he condemns the 2 journos ( here) and the next he's cozying-up to the AG's decision( here and here)......maybe a word of caution came in the form of a "tweet" to the ox-fart, huh ? Must every action or reply, no matter how glaringly stupid, be countered along racial or religious lines by BN politicians ? Where is the common "sense" law of respect and decency enshrined in the Constitution every politician is screaming off.....errh ?
Next....a comentor, TZ asks, what the so-called "public outcry" our learned AG was referring to, as a reason to drop the charges against the 2 journos (and from that UMNO owned propaganda media tool) ? If the Allah issue was a court decision and as always preached by our PMs ( both past, present and irrelevants !) that we have an "independent" judiciary, why dispute the legality of such decision ? Political hands have always pulled the judiciary strings to a point of no return and put us in a "beyond redemption" position ! So much for Najib's 1Malaysia being undermined again by the very mouth that it feeds ! What a joke !
And as long as we have UMNO-paid puppets like this current AG, we.....or rather Malaysians will be the brunt of all "judiciary" jokes the world over !
Welcome to the circus !
Dear Mr Shanghai,
Just to add to what your commentor TZ was referring to, the "public outcry" by the AG here could mean not about what the 2 journos did towards the Catholic church, but rather what would have happened if charges were brought against them. They're maybe thinking that if the 2 journos under the Unmo owned media are being charged, then there will be huge demos as usual by those Umnoputras or Perkasa condemning the charge against the 2... or worse than that, they may revolt by attacking churches again like what happened to the Allah issue. So the easy way out is to just drop the case and call it NFA.
It is something like this Mr Shanghai. Assuming some nut went to your house and stole something from your house which you & your family find it very precious in value but maybe not to others. That nut not only stole your belonging but made fun of you by taking pictures of that belonging and publisizing it for the whole world to see. Then of course this angered you and your family, so you made a police report against that nut. But ironnically, the AG came out to say... "Hello Mr Shanghai, this is sure a NFA case, bcoz if I charge him, his family members will revolt and scold me for allowing the charge to carry through" !!
I think this is precisely what the AG meant by "public outcry", not really meaning those who are angered by what the 2 journos had done, but it could mean the supporters of those 2 idiot journos (which everyone knows who they are) in case the 2 are being charged by court of law.
Really hope all Malaysians who uphold justice and who respect each other's religion will condemn this stupid irresponsible anti 1-Malaysia decision by the AG and write officially to the tribunal to call for the removal of this useless Unmo asslicker.
I would like to warn all those who are trying to bring Malaysia to its knees. To paraphrase the Great Mahatma, Malaysia has enough for everybod's need but it does not have enough for one man's greed.I hope that we as a nation will do at the beginning what the failed state of the Third World are trying to do unsccessfully now. Ramalx
>72 virgins are awaiting them NOW !
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