Wednesday, June 22, 2011

liar, liar pants on fire !

What a bloody coward this Ibrahim Ali is ! Shot his big mouth without engaging his brain.....hmmm....wait a minute....this bozo has no brains in the first place, yes and now is purging in his pants in denial mode and trying to worm his way out of the cess pool where he belongs by blaming journos for "misquoting" and "spinning" !!! ( here )

Talked so big in a Malay majority gathering beating his chest in ape-like bravado sans the "keris" and screaming seditious and racial slurs warning the Chinese to stay home and stock-up on food and now that even the meekest of Chinese, riled-up by his empty threat is ready to meet him head-on come Bersih 2 on July 9 2011. Now we see the true Ibrahim Ali. The braggart who's nothing but a grand funk ! Wonder how his children will face the neighbours having an ultra-racist for a father !

In other areas this sorry excuse for a Parliamentarian had quiet a handful with reporters as they cornered him for explanation at the lobby of the august house'....

And Tony Geee sums up Ibrahim Ali's so-called "misquote" best with .............................."hahahahahahahahahaha and I'm Kate Middleton's lover ! "


Anonymous said...

It is his fundamental right to speak, be stupid or run amok.

like wise, it is also the peoples right to march, inconvenience others and shout slogans.

The Police too have their rights to spray, kick and shoo the crowd.

Where will all these rights end?


Anonymous said...

So if these UMNO morons oppose to BERSIH, they are all for KOTOR government is it ? What a stupid way to live their lives in sin ! I'll be there on 9 July for sure with my whole family.....Perkasa or UMNO or police cannot stop us as Malaysians with equal rights ! Down with BN.

kg.baru resident.