Look here, this country never went to war with anyone, right ? And we don't intend to go to war with anyone of our neighbours either and surely not with our "unsinkable" submarines and jets with "missing" engines, right ?
It is bad enough that millions of tax-payers money is spent staffing and maintaining these NS camps. More millions are also spent from 'renting' these camps and even more is spent on feeding the camp caretakers and our beloved kids. Food served here surely would not be like in a Holiday Inn buffet spread but then does anyone know what it costs the tax-payer to feed a kid daily at a NS camp or salaries to those running them ? Do we know how to count ? Is having RELA ( another dubious "armed" bullshit unit funded by tax-payers ) enough to help the armed forces protect our country from foreign attack ?
Are these camps another extension of the now infamous "Nazi-styled" racists BTN camps (here ) ? All the money spent yearly in these camps could be put to the greater good of these kids like giving them a better education and more importantly nurturing them with moral education and respecting each other regardless of skin colour and religious back-grounds. The reason why I'm saying this lies in this The MalayMail article here !
So do we really need this silly National Service stint for kids when there's been so many "misadventure" deaths of innocent and "illiterate" kids, who are but kids, in camps run by incompetent buffoons with little or no experience in war first-hand ? And I most certainly won't want these kids to protect my homeland ?
Absolutely shocking !
They have given police uniforms to Rela. God help us when they arm them.
the NS is a summer camp run by Umno buffoons who get fat contracts. Just imagine how much these mutts get from running the show.
Am I looking at Malaysia through Picasso's eyes? No motive need be established in a murder trial of immense public interest. Again, after eating a lunch prepared strictly in accordance with religious dietary rules, a believer may send his bodyguards to finish off an inconvenient woman who is carrying his own child.. Or maybe it is the Bugis pirates' version of Alice in Wonderland.
It would not surprise me if it turms out that this depraved policewomen was formerly the Madame of a brothel. Correct me if I am wrong but I think that Azalina Othman might be able to tame her and teach her some manners.
1. war started
2. All armed forces dead.
3. All parents dead.
4. Your boys is holding a BOTOL SUSU?????
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