Saturday, November 24, 2012

of incy wincy "hard-ons" and others !

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak urged Malaysians to continue championing the rights of women and take the necessary steps to eliminate all forms of violence against women. 
He said Malaysia has a strong track record when it came to women’s rights and he was proud of the progress made so far in ensuring equality in the workforce and government.......(continued here
I want to ask him only one 1question. How can he brag about such claim when he cannot or dare not even reprimand/take to task, his own men who utter down-right filthy and uncouth sexist remarks against women (read here). And even more alarming is when one actually looks like a retarded toad. 
In UMNO such lewd innuendos seem to draw much laughter and encouragement from fellow party members both male and female when the person in the mischief is from the Opposition. And Najib thinks this is fair game, yes ?  And mind you there has been many such sexist and vulgar remarks hurled subtly at the fairer sex, irrespective of age or race. Bung Mokhtar was infamous for vulgar most foul on many occasions and the picture below, note the jubilant expressions of those surrounding this chief minister who was slam dunking one open palm on his other clenched fist. Amused ? 
Now Mr. Prime Minister, what were you saying about respecting and protecting women and their rights in your speech titled “Eliminating Violence Against Women” to mark the United Nation’s International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women tomorrow, on your latest 1Malaysia blog posting, sir ?

I leave you dear readers to refresh my memory and invite you to add the many misdemeanors of our so-called "respected" and elected representatives with an instant "hard-on".  Shoot. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What about your wife.A lot of people close to you said you are under Queen Control in the house.You told your buddy Tan Kim Hock,you dont have sex for almost. A year.You need a good break in Hong Kong.

Ha ha ha YOu are not an angles.