Tuesday, October 31, 2023
fish rots from the head down (Pt. 3)

Monday, May 01, 2023
Sam Haris. This is not a eulogy.

As recently as March 2023

Sunday, May 01, 2022
Drug mules, NGOs and a donkey.
There are 9 drug related Malaysian prisoners in death-row in the Changgi Prison in Singapore at the moment. All awaiting their appeals and if the Singaporean courts rejects their appeal, its game-over for them.
Despite having the strictest drug trafficking laws in the world, why would these traffickers knowingly try their luck as mules and couriers to smuggle those illegal substances into the tiny but rank 4th. least corrupt nation in the world (tied with Sweden and Norway and according to Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index(CPI) 2021) and Malaysia is ranked 62 out of a 180 countries (a surprising figure in the same report, if I may say so!) for love of monetary rewards? Yes, the lure of making fast and easy big money is irresistible. And the greed consumes these mules or traffickers into taking that risk. All in death row will swear on the holy book it was their first offense BUT how would we know how many successful trips they would have delivered their merchandise and collected huge returns? How many children turned out as addicts in Singapore? And these same mules will also now plead insanity as a final resort?
Now in Malaysia we have 1,042 in death-row including 413 foreign nationals. (I can't say how many are for drug related crimes) Does it not reek of hypocrisy when so many Malaysians and NGOs are joining in protesting the death verdicts dished out in Singapore by their courts when they don't give a rats arse of the same sentences being passed out here like sweets? Perhaps these fakes and frauds feel up-lifted to be in the same protest as Sir Richard Branson and some Hollywood personality joining in the same cause?
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Rogue's Gallery (Pt.II)
The face of the world's greatest kleptocrat Najib and his band of brigands in modern times are asking you to join them in their fight against corruption!
Surely they have absolutely no shame or self worth even though they are known to be not mere millionaires BUT billionaires through corrupt acquirement and who have got the entire judiciary and enforcement in the country their pockets. Its also ironic these same thieves always begin their speech in any ceremah, reciting phrases from the Holy book as if all they have done is quiet halal.
Perhaps in their own interpretation whatever they have done is considered kosher only because they've been led to believe by their partner in crime, a green-robed towelhead named Hadi, the "spiritual" leader of the Islamic party PAS.
Its about time the 2 thieves in the middle Najib and Zahid (both with numerous criminal charges for corruption and embezzlement already passed by a court of law - whatever that means in Malaysia!) be thrown in jail to rot for the rest of their pathetic lives instead of parading themselves like peacocks in heat!
Friday, September 17, 2021
Stupid parents OR failed government?
Of course as the header goes, both will deny and be the apologist for one and the other.
Are these parents so hard-up for a holiday at the beach, rivers and water-falls in the middle of this dreadful pandemic? We hit a high of 592 deaths in a single day! Still not afraid, aye?
As the saying goes, a few moments of pleasure and a lifetime of regret and sorrow. How then?
Opps...am I talking about shot-gun marriages? No, seriously to the folks who were there on the beach, rivers and water-falls, ask yourself this. Will it be worth it, if God forbid, you or any of your family members , especially little and innocent ones contacted this deadly virus in that crowd? How?
Still not afraid?
That being so, you better start praying.
Happy Malaysia Day.
Tuesday, September 07, 2021
Saturday, September 04, 2021
Queen's English anyone?
Friday, April 30, 2021
My April 'ghost-writer'.
From: Owen Jones