Thank you Tengku for that "perfect gentleman" gesture and I hope your splendid actions have opened the flood-gates for all the others to quickly follow suit.......You have given the country the best Merdeka present ever and saved an embarrased nation from further humiliation..... my curious question is, what took you so long ?
And here, too I must commend our intellectual Youth and Sports Minister, Datuk Azalina Othman (here) for her take on this matter by confessing that this is a collective responsibility of the entire FAM and not the Tengku's responsibility alone !
Well folks, there you have it,..... FAM personnel and all the "juara kampung" players .....don't just parrot the good Ministers words but take heed and follow the amiable Tengku's path and give us a reason to feel proud to be Malaysians again !( read one of my early post ?...here )
Cheers Malaysia !
Are you saying that Azalina should also resign, Mr Stephen? That is not very fair, y'know. I think it is enough that the Prince has shown a kingly gesture. We need Azalina around, man!
Yes bro...
the entire package....logs (dead-woods)stocks (fat-asses) and "beer" barrels !
Maybe Azalina can be transferred to the property and investment dept. of the Sports Ministry...then she can purchase more dubious aquisitions like maybe be a large field in Dubai or Iran or somewhere in the desert ! might even get a discount !
Sheesh....bro did you watch the pathetic "juara kampungs" play in the ongoing AFC thingy ?...It is so painfully stressful and frustrating !
ask azalina to take care of the football pitch in england. needs loads of care as the pitch is in deplorable condition.
good for him for taking responsibility.
more than i can say for the rest of them.
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