Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Open season on monkeys !

Freeze this picture in your mind's eye......this will probably be the last you will see of this little fella, thanks to our caring politicians for the generous gesture to trap and ship this little fella off to China where he would either end up in a laboratory or more likely in a cage, chained underneath a table with his head exposed and fitted tightly through a hole on top in a diner for diners to clobber his skull and expose his brains, whilst the happy diner also pours a dash of brandy or rice wine and then stir evenly and scoop-up in little spoons and gleefully eat this poor fellas brains raw while he shrieks and screams in agony till he goes out of his mind and die a cursed death !! Bon apetite !

You might want to ask what crime this little and innocent fella commited ? Nothing...absolutely nothing , that's what !
TV Smith has a photo essay here !

We have these defenseless buggers in abundance here in Malaysia and those found in urban areas have become a nuinance, ( see... it is man-the greedy moron- who encroaches and tears down this little fella's habitat and leave him with no place to live ) we have the whole "intellegent" cabinet withdrawing the protection accorded under the Wildlife Protection Act , while some crony sets up a company and offers RM 30.00 per "live" monkey to bounty hunters as reward.

A little 'monkey' also told me, this "export company" has an agreed contract to market this prized easy pickings for up to RM300.00 per head ! I wonder how much of this is true.... but then who you ?? Does anyone know the name of this company ? The directors or share-holders ?

Looks like everything has a price, right ? try and imagine how much we can profit if we were to market these monkeys' bigger "cousins-in-suits" who walk the corridors of, not much lah...cos the sale is priced according to brain-size lah ! Nope...surely not profit, but I like the thought and am willing to forego any profit !

I cannot stand tall as a proud Malaysian this Merdeka for I am ashamed and I bow my head in mourning for the fate of this little fella who incidently is a relative....... and yours too !! It's okay if you still want to deny......afterall we do live in a state of 'DENIAL'...right ?

Caring Malaysians to everyone else...Merdeka ! whatever that means anymore !


shar101 said...

Then someone, maybe AAB, will turn around to say "Directive canceled" so as to appear humane and magnanimous.

After the PKFZ debacle, this move by the current administration will make Malaysia look even worse (if that's remotely possible but they never fail to astound us, do they) in the eyes of the international community.

Way to BN! What else is new, eh SS.

limado said...

breaking news
zam maidin receives chif moron malaysia award

goblog station

Rockybru said...


Expect the 4th floor boyz to call you tomorrow. Your spin idea is out of this world! They need to make Lah look good, desperately!

backStreetGluttons said...

cnfirming yet again that those shameless corrupted monkeys are at engaging in their last losted final diversion laps before they scoot off into the wilderness to meet their lord

Anonymous said...

Look, it's not all bad. We might get rid of the two "bocor" MPs, some 4th floor types and one or two Nazi types as well. Wellworth paying $300 to get rid of them. These are the real monyets.