It brings us back to the many other children who have dissappeared but have not got the same amount of publicity as these above and a few other more recent and popular highlights like little Yin and the 2 little Kampung Baru girls who are luckier as be alive,( even if they were abused sexually and physically !) as the entire nation cried foul of their dissappearance !
Why were those other kids (about 5 of them ) featured on the same full page as little Nurin,(on the day they splashed the photo of the dead girl on the front page) NOT given as much prominence and with nation-wide searches conducted by the many various organisations hitting the streets, distributing phamplets and forming search parties ? Are their lives not as important ? It is every parent's nightmare and are their families not important enough ? Is it because they were of a different race or ethnicity ? Or is this the media's way of playing-up of a certain type of peoples as being less responsible in taking care of their children ? Are they going to open up these other "missing" kids cases or have they forgotten about them altogether ? What are the police doing about these other lesser children of God ?
I'm writting this post after a certain gentleman ( mind you...he's a nice malay gentleman !) grilled me and dared me to answer all of the above questions ! I too am a parent and I fear for my kid's safety daily and I have no answers !
Do you ?
Let us hope this AWAKES us MALAYSIANS that Malaysia needs some revamping. This atmosphere of no accountability will spread to every segment of society into every area.
WE NEED TO ENSURE A MORE OPEN AND TRANSPARENT GOVERNMENT AND CRIME FIGHTING IN THE COUNTRY. What is all this corrupt IGP allegations, kawan with kingpin stories including various evidences, true or not, we need to DEMAND TRANSPARENCY. It will be more sad news to come but we need to be STRONG and BUILD A MALAYSIA THATS FOR OUR CHILDREN. FREE MALAYSIA FROM ALL THIS CRAP. We need to be the freedom fighters so that we can shout Merdeka meaningfully next year.
Its all about transparency. We have lost that since we are not proud of hard work that we do. We have lost that since we believed we can choose easy way outs. We have lost that since the environment suggest that no one is watching us since the top post go away with corruption easily. We have lost that since no one will really bothers when something bad happens, and we have ourselves to blame.
But, when there is a WILL, there is a WAY
Where is Thy Will, O Malaysians,
Where is thy spirit to seek after justice
Where is thy compassion to comfort the loss
Where is thy anger over injustice
Has it been silenced by ISA?
Has it been tamed by uncompetitiveness?
Has it been confused over misreporting of the mass media?
Has it been screwed up by the powers that be?
So that we do not know what is praise worthy and what is shameful?
Kerja halal harus dipuji
Penat lelah datangkan rezeki
Yang lemah menerima subsidi
Yang tamak hukuman diberi
Sistem adil mendorong kualiti
Kerja halal tak patut disembunyi
Biar yang miskin mendapat DEB
Yang kaya diskaun rumah tak dikehendaki
Lebih bangga dengan amalan terpuji
Sejak bila kita tidak ingin disegani
Selepas mendapat easy money?
Tetapi melupakan pahala Ilahi
Jalan yang benar biar diikuti
Adil dan saksama dijadikan polisi
Berkat Ilahi melimpah dikehendaki
My condolences to Nurin's family. But Malaysians let us be responsible for our actions. Let us not be sorry for Malaysia. Let us live righteous lives and reform Malaysia.
Bro, it is time the cops take every "missing kid" report sreiously. All those 16 kids -- what is the status of the investigations? Let us know please. Instead of threatening tNurin's parents with persecution for negligence, the IGP should tell us about what his men are doing to catch the real beasts. Nurin went missing on Aug 20. How is it that the cops managed NOT to pick up any suspect or make any arrest. Were they investigating the report at all? Please let us know.
This special task force headed by Christopher Wan - is it just to appease Malaysians who are now very angry with the authorities' failure to keep our country safer?
The other missing children did not receive much attention of publicity on their dissapearance because I think their parents were maybe naive and didn't know what to do.
Unlike the parents of Yin and Nurin, we see tremendous effort taken by them to publicise the matter widely and they probably took the extra mile to publicise the issue almost every day in the media. Perhaps the other vistims' parents didn't pursue that extra mile as they maybe relied heavily on the authorities to do its part.
Knowing the police and government, they of course couldn't care less to widely publicise the issue as it involves cost that may not benefit them.
However, when the outcome turns unfavorable, as you can see now, they even want to charge the parents for negligence and make them the scapegoat instead (passing the blame). That's the only thing they're good for.
If parents can be charged for negligence when their child go 'missing' under the Childs Act, can we charge them for negligence as well for abuse of power & mismanagement of 'missing' funds as revealed by the AG recently ?
In the recent wake now of so many issues of scandal and abuse of power, one may tend to wonder if this is just another ploy of them diverting their mistakes again (just like what happen to the Namewee (Negaraku) and the burning of Jalur Gemilang issue).
dear melaka cheng boy,
Thanks for the imput but for your info the publicity costs was practically zero as the media decided to advertise for free and other concerned private persons jumped on the band-wagon(also for intended publicity- or otherwise !) and print phamplets and distribute.I'm talking of the media's role here..forget the police, don't we all know how ineffecient they are ?
cheers !
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