For God's sake don't blame the animals !
Yes, both the morons in the Zoo Negara authority and the parents of the little girl who was mauled (see the Malay Mail report here ) by a leopard or puma or even a remotely spotted panther, stop this on-going accusations..and move on ! So far nobody can even be sure what animal actually attacked this little girl ! Sheeesh ! And I'm truly sorry what happened to this poor little girl !
It can never be the animals fault, period ! ...see I am a ardent and regular visitor to our zoos and I have seen how these visitors, yes Malaysians of all races, treat these poor captive creatures of God !
The Zoo authorities are duty-bound to protect the animals from us humans by making sure the "buffer" zone is not breached and have to admit fault, if that zone is not adequately cordoned and safe.
And on the parents part, how can the parent not be with/beside the child, teaching her the importance of respecting the animal and keep a safe distance from the fencing and not cross the "buffer" zone (even if there is none !) and to further educate kids from, feeding with anything they can pluck from the bushes around, throwing objects like stones, sticks, mineral bottles , or provoking the animals with "animalistic howls"?? Come to think of it...I've witnessed even adults doing all of the above during my many periodic visits to the various zoo in this country ! You see most animals don't have fore-legs 5 feet long, to squeeze through the fencing and drag a kid to the fence before mauling her ! So unless this kid- minus the parents lack of supervision and education- ventured too close to the enclosure, she would have been spared the attack and trauma !
Maybe the Zoo Negara clowns should take a "pelancung sambil belajar" tour to the Taiping Zoo to see how well it is maintained ! But nooooo....no sir, they will be too arrogant and proud to admit their short-commings ! And to all parents before taking your kids to the zoo.... teach them to "respect" those beautiful creatures of God ! Remember education is your kids best tool.....that is ..... if you have anything intelligent to impart yourself !
Yes, both the morons in the Zoo Negara authority and the parents of the little girl who was mauled (see the Malay Mail report here ) by a leopard or puma or even a remotely spotted panther, stop this on-going accusations..and move on ! So far nobody can even be sure what animal actually attacked this little girl ! Sheeesh ! And I'm truly sorry what happened to this poor little girl !
It can never be the animals fault, period ! ...see I am a ardent and regular visitor to our zoos and I have seen how these visitors, yes Malaysians of all races, treat these poor captive creatures of God !
The Zoo authorities are duty-bound to protect the animals from us humans by making sure the "buffer" zone is not breached and have to admit fault, if that zone is not adequately cordoned and safe.
And on the parents part, how can the parent not be with/beside the child, teaching her the importance of respecting the animal and keep a safe distance from the fencing and not cross the "buffer" zone (even if there is none !) and to further educate kids from, feeding with anything they can pluck from the bushes around, throwing objects like stones, sticks, mineral bottles , or provoking the animals with "animalistic howls"?? Come to think of it...I've witnessed even adults doing all of the above during my many periodic visits to the various zoo in this country ! You see most animals don't have fore-legs 5 feet long, to squeeze through the fencing and drag a kid to the fence before mauling her ! So unless this kid- minus the parents lack of supervision and education- ventured too close to the enclosure, she would have been spared the attack and trauma !
Maybe the Zoo Negara clowns should take a "pelancung sambil belajar" tour to the Taiping Zoo to see how well it is maintained ! But nooooo....no sir, they will be too arrogant and proud to admit their short-commings ! And to all parents before taking your kids to the zoo.... teach them to "respect" those beautiful creatures of God ! Remember education is your kids best tool.....that is ..... if you have anything intelligent to impart yourself !
Bro Fish,
Don't be too hasty about this lawatan sambil belajar thing. They may not want to visit the Taiping zoo, but will be more than happy to visit the zoos in San Diego, London, San Francisco, Chicago...get the drift?
So please don't give them any ideas. Not because I don't believe in the value of LSB's, but Malaysian officials have a well known penchant for turning such visits into examining the navels of belly dancers or shopping expeditions for spouses. The benefits to the country of such trips have been negligible if anything. So, please don't encourage them by putting such ideas in their skulls.
But I do agree with you that parents and children should be educated to respect not just animals, but all living things. Though oftentimes I have reservations whether such respect should be extended to most of our politicians and many of our government officials.
What do you expect when a FAMILY runs the National Zoo. Read WHAT, A FAMILY RUNS OUR NATIONAL ZOO? JUST LIKE MALAYSIA? that I posted on 18 October. Yes they need to learn from Taiping.
Bro' fish..
Thanks for the comments in my roustabout story. Ha-ha Tiong-A. That's SO, SO LONG AGO bro'!
Anyway, you're right. These zoo officials, like ALL gov't officials know how to DEFLECT blame only. Better take Mr. Bojangles advice.. Better still, put the officials behind the cage.
Also am touched by the plight of the Bangladeshi bro'. I'm convinced that our people are racist. It never was this way but this is what BN policies has nurtured. Sad, sad indeed.
SS, ur right. it can/should and will NEVER be the animals fault. im sorry tht the girl was hurt but the blame is purely on the parents.
heh, you all are really idiots man. wahahahaha. cakap confidence giler gov. officers la, apa la. do u guys know zoo negara is an NGO. its not like zoo taiping or zoo melaka that can get money from gov!! heh berani cakap apa kata korang sponsor satu juta tiap2 tahun to zoo negara. hows that? learn the history first before making accusation.
Dear anon of 5:08pm,
If you have actually understood my post you'll realise I have never mentioned anywhere that the Zoo Negara was run by the govt.
I have said the Zoo Authorities, which I know is run by a Board of Directors, so.....why do you accuse me of dragging the govt into this ?
Of course aid does come from the govt. too ! (that means tax-payers money- yours and mine !)
Don't be so narrow-minded and critise for the sake of critising but please do comment to improve the current situation and try thinking outside the box, for a change ok ?
Cheers and Happy New Year !
hello anon of 5.08...dont tell me ure a member of the family that runs the zoo........dapat contract buag nagis binatang2 zoo negara ke sampai bodek kuat sangat....u must be mad to suggest that we tax payers donate 1 million to zoo negara....wat to make the family richer lagi ke....a monkey told us that ur zoo chairman is pouring the zoo's money into slot machines at god knows where...go check it out!!
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